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Show City Studies Subdivision Ordinance At a special meeting of the Parowan City Council the first of the week much of the time was spent studying the proposed subdivision sub-division ordinance which has been In the process of preparation prepara-tion for some time, and which has come in for some criticism from some of those whom It affects. af-fects. The City Planning Committee met with the council, and after further consideration of the ordinance ordi-nance it was decided to make some charges in it and then call a public hearing with citizens invited to attend to go over the provisions of the said ordinance. The proposed ordinance will apply to any subdivision '.vithtn the city, whether now being set up. or being contemplated for future development of the city. It was also reported that word has arrived In the city office that an advanced loan had been approved by the Community Facilities Fa-cilities Administration in Washington, Wash-ington, to be used in making a ' survey for a municipal sewerage sewer-age system for Parowan City. I The loan Is for $5,790 to be used, in making a survey of a proposed propos-ed sewer system for Parowan to cost an estimated $578,000. This information in more detailed form may be found In another story In tnls issue of the Record. Rec-ord. Mayor Osmer K. Nielsen inform? in-form? us that this loan will be used for Its specified purpose, but is only on a preliminary planning plan-ning basis. If it is used, and the sewage system is installed, it will be subject tc repayment Mayoi Nielsen also Informed us fiat municipalities such 83 Parowan, th.it are in need of such a facility, can get some help from government agencies In defraying the cost of sewage treatment facilK.es and the construction con-struction of outfall lines, or the lines running from the last connection con-nection in the city, to the treatment treat-ment plant. |