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Show KANARRAVILLE NEWS Mrs. Albert Davis Several of our townspeople attended at-tended the funeral for Mrs. Lor-na Lor-na Prince at New Harmony last week. Mr. and Mrs. faul Williams and daughters of Boulder City, Nov., were visitors here with Paul's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Williams. Klmer and Ivan Davies, Glade and Gaylen Barry and Kent Davis Da-vis attended the horse races at Kanab last week. Floyd Tucker of Cedar City pave all his employees and their partners a supper at the Airport Cafe and a free picture show last Friday evening. Those attending at-tending from here were Mr- and Mrs. Delile Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Clair Woodbury. Mrs. Posena Blake of St. Geort'e is visiting here with her son in-law and (laughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Davies. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Williams land children were Sunday visitors visit-ors iii Tomierville. i . i Our school had a hike last Friday. Mrs. Williams took her school into the meadows and Mr. ! Olds to Zion Park. They were accompanied ac-companied by Mrs. Olds, Leonard Davis and Hazel Davis. The children chil-dren report a very pleasant day. Mrs. Marva Prince and children chil-dren of New Harmony spent Monday with her mother, Hannah Han-nah Davis. A giant stride and slide have I been installed at the school playground play-ground through the fine effort of our P-TA and our teachers, Richard Olds and Mrs. Alenna Williams and the cooperation of the parents. Mrs. Fern Bauer is president of the P-TA. i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bauer and Mrs. Berniece Williams have been visiting at Las Vegas and Henderson, New i Some of our people attended the high school seminary gradua-ti gradua-ti in exercises at Cedar City Sunday Sun-day evening. Kanarra students who graduated were Calda Da-1 vis, Phyllis Piatt, Helen Davis Simkins, and Rose Marie Williams'. Wil-liams'. Kanarra students graduating from the Cedar City High School Tuesday evening were Kelvin Zohnei, J. L. Piatt and Leon Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Isom have moved here to make their home for the present. Mrs. Ella B. Reeves and son Boyd attended funeral services for a relative, Mrs. Thela Gardiner Gard-iner Heywood, at Panguitch last week. |