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Show BPOEtiificers 'Honored jAtfinnualParty . I The Silver Anniversary of the Cedar City Elks Lodge No. 1556 was commemorated at a banauet 'at El Escalante Hotel Saturday 1 night, at which members of the 1 lodge and their partners honored hon-ored charter members of the organization or-ganization and heard tributes i to the members and the service j activities of the lodge. I In addition to observing the 25th anniversary of the organization organiza-tion of the lodge, the banquet served as the annual installa-' installa-' tion of officers w-ith retiring and 1 . new officers also honored, to-Igether to-Igether with all past exalted rul-1 rul-1 ers. The function was arranged I by the P. E. R. Club composed of I members who have served as ex-halted ex-halted rulers during the 25 year ' period and who are still active in the lodge. Receives GcrveL Pin Steve Asmus, retiring exalted Ruler, presided and at the end of the meeting was presented with a gavel and past president's !pin, and then turned the reins of the organization over to his I successor, Ray Lee. Joe Fakler served as master of ceremonies. Warren II. Bulloch, charter member and past exalted ruler, was the principal speaker at the banquet, reviewing the history of the charitable and fraternal I organization over the 25 year period. He pointed out that the erection of a beautiful new lodge home, now under construction and which will be completed this year, was a fitting climax to the success of the lodge in its first 25 years of existence. I Mayor Arnold Anderson spoke briefly and praised the members mem-bers for their contribution to community welfare through their activities in education, youth service ser-vice and public welfare. Other Officers Other officers installed to serve during the coming year with Exalted Ruler Lee are Hal ! Christensen, Lee Wood, Wayne Jackson, Charles Ahlstrom, Ralph Adams, Joseph Fakler, Austin Benson, Clive Hartman, Douglas I Murphy, Arthur Tyler, Kenneth Imlay, Warren Bulloch, Leonard Smith, Clark Showalter and Steve Asmus. Of 22 members who have served as exalted rulers, 13 were present. Present officers and all past ; presidents of the Ladies of Elks .were also introduced at the ban-I ban-I quet. |