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Show ENOCH AND MIDVALLEY NOTES Mr. and Mrs. Oleen Hatch of Kanosh are visiting with Mrs. Hatch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Grlmshaw. Sgt., Charles (Bud) Smith surprised sur-prised his parents this week by visiting them. Bud is stationed at Camp Stoneman, Calif. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Royce Chamberlain in the Iron County hospital Sunday, July 5. Mrs. Chamberlain is the former Alene Gibson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Gibson. The grandparents are very happy with their first grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones of Phoenix, Ariz, are spending a few months here with trie Millard Mil-lard Haltermans. Mr. Jones is a brother of Mrs. Halterman. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Millard Halterman are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Olsen of Santa Ana, Calif. The young people of Enoch ward went to Parowan five-mile recreation camp to Join the rest of the Parowan stake in an M I A outing. Under the trees at the Henry urimsnaw home the townspeople townspeo-ple of Enoch met on the Fourth of July for a program, dinner and sports. There was a large crowd in attendance and all reported re-ported an enjoyable time. There were several people from out-of-town at the get-together. During the past week there have been three children's birthday birth-day parties. Mark Nelson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Nelson entertained enter-tained the three and four year olds. Nancy Hoover entertained the 10 and 11 year old girls at her grandmothers, Mrs. Aurella Petty, where she is spending the summer, and Michael Grlmshaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Grlmshaw gave a party at his home. Mrs. Maud Jones Weir and daughter Beverly, visited here on July 4. Here also was another daughter and husband, the David Klrts of Los Angeles. Mrs. Clare Jean Nelson Bills and family of Crescent have been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Emma Nelson and other relatives. rela-tives. Seth Bills went on to California Cali-fornia to attend a convention. Miss F 1 o r e n e Richardson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Richardson, gave a safety pro gram in Cedar City and Parowan Paro-wan in connection with her 4-H work. At each place she presented present-ed two plays, and a film, and completed the afternoon in Parowan Paro-wan with a party for those who participated. |