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Show Lions Club to Sponsor Jamboree for Teen-agers July 16 The Cedar City Lions club is sponsoring a Teen-age Jamboree in the form of a big free dance with refreshments to be held on Thursday night, July 16. According to Durham Morris, new Lions club president, not enough recreation is provided for teen age groups, particularly during the summer months, and the Cedar City Lions club Teenage Teen-age Jamboree is something for the teen-agers to look forward to and may set a precedent for more parties for teen-agers. San Mitchell's Starliters orchestra, or-chestra, a 12-piece orchestra, will play and the dance will be held on the tennis court in the park, except in case of rain, in which event it will be held in the high school gym. Everything will be free for the young people, and all teen-agers from 13 to 19, inclusive, are Invited In-vited and should make their Dlans to attend this biff lambor- ee. The Lions club committees in charge are the Boys and Girls committee, consisting of Wallace Osborne, chairman; Wesley Mul-lett, Mul-lett, Ren Taylor, Leonard Whiting, Whit-ing, and Morgan Slack, and the Community Betterment (project) committee, consisting of Dee Cowan, Co-wan, chairman; J. Furl Porter, Reed Bradshaw, Morris Roberts, Thomas Thorsen and Grant Seegmiller. |