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Show Recreation Park To Get Foot Bridge A temporary solution to the traffic hazard created by an inadequate in-adequate bridge over Coal Creek at the city recreation park was decided upon by the City Council Coun-cil at its meeting Thursday evening. eve-ning. The temporary arrangement arrange-ment will be installed as quickly quick-ly as possible while plans for a permanent solution to the problem prob-lem are being studied. The bridge at the park is very narrow, and when it Is used by pedestrians and automobiles at the same time, which happens every day of the week, a serious traffic hazard is created. In addition ad-dition to lack of room the bridge is in almost complete darkness as the lights on the ball field are turned off at the end of night games. As a temporary solution a foot bridge will be installed on the outside of the present bridge, using the same abutments. This will make it possible for pedestrians pedes-trians to cross without the risk of walking in front of an automobile. auto-mobile. In addition, the bridge will be lighted. Plans to finance the construction construc-tion of a new bridge through the use of tax anticipation funds was studied but since funds for this purpose were not budgeted this moans of financing the program could not 1)0 used. As an alternative alter-native the council decided that if funds can not be obtained from any other source a bond election will be called to raise the needed money. Bids for the i construction of the bridge have been submitted to the council, with the lowest bid totaling $10,-700. $10,-700. Consequently it would be necessary to bond for at least $10,000. Since the action at the meet-j meet-j ing a number of people inter-I inter-I ested in the development of the reacreation area have expressed the opinion that if a bond election elect-ion is held the city officials should include in it funds for other badly needed improvements improve-ments at the park. Of greatest I importance would be providing funds with which to fence the . area and with which to pro-i pro-i vide oil surfaced driveways about the park as a means of eliminating dust. These people point out that the bridge and other improvements needed could be provided at a cost of not more than $15,000 or $20,000. |