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Show En Avantes Hold Annual Lawn Party - In-doors Members of the En Avante club and their husbands met at the home of Mrs. Reed Bradshaw for the club's annual lawn party par-ty Wednesday, July 8. Because of weather conditions, the party was moved indoors at the Bradshaw home, but the event was none the worse, it was reported. re-ported. A committee in charge headed by Mrs. Shervvin Bradshaw, prepared pre-pared a delicious dinner for the annual affair after which Mrs. Loren Whetten directed the group in games. A theme for the eve-1 ning was centered on Hawaii! and the table decorations and games conformed to the theme. Assisting Mrs. Bradshaw on the arrangement committee were. Mrs. Whetten, Mrs. Reed Bradshaw Brad-shaw ,Mrs. A. B. Larson and Mrs. Clarence Anderson. |