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Show Thomas B. Cardon Elected President Of Cedar Lions Club Thomas B. Cardon, manager of the Cardon Shoe Store, was elected elect-ed president of the Cedar City Lions Club Monday, to succeed Gordon I C'hrLsterusen. Other officers elected were Dr Iteed W. Farnswoith, first vice-president; vice-president; Howard Baker, st-on;1 Uce president; Nelson Tydings. third vice-president; Ned Sargent, tail twister; Loien Whetien. Lion tamer; I. E. Riddle and Morgan Rollo, directors. Hold-over directors ore Kenneth Pugh and L. I). Love. Mr. Love, however, luis been transferred trans-ferred to Santa Fe, New Mexico, and it will be necessary to fill tin-vacancy tin-vacancy by appointment. Before the election was held, Dr J. S. Prestwich gave a very interesting inter-esting talk on "Lionism" and the responsibility of club officers. |