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Show ST. MARY'S ACADEMY. For amiability, neatness, order correct cor-rect deportment ahd observance of rules for week ending Nov. 27, 1903. Senior Department. Misses D Dalv H. Santchsi, E. Frisbee, M. Halstead' L. Halstead. M. McHugh, F. Dorohue' L. Guthrie, A. Rotzler. R. McDonough' K McDonough, E. Hughes. I. Kane G. Garey, M. Desmond, F. Burton N Mahan, H. Ashton, P. Griffin," I. Viox" J. Dodds. N. Barrett, E. Robbins, P. Golding, A. Dick, M. Evans, S. Gibbons, A. Hardesty. I. Palmer. A. Oliver, C. Bonne. A. King, L. Ryan, C. Rur.dberg, E. Malone, A. Kennelly. E. Btxby, I. Maestretti, C. Castles, G. Linnen, M. Franklin, P. Moore, E. Woodard, N. Smith, R. Nowatsky, F. Evans, M. McDonald, Mc-Donald, A. Amonette, L. Brown. Junior Department. Misses A. Car- j er, I. West. F. McChrystal, H. Josse-n, Josse-n, N. Geary, B. Michaels, M. Owens, t. Owens, L. Burton, W. . McDonough, 1. McDonough, M. Hughes. H. Hughes. I Morrison, G. Neuhausen, L. Neuhau-sn, Neuhau-sn, V. Neuhausen. E. Costello, I.-Randal, M. Donohue, N. Davidson, M. Sha-vr, Sha-vr, L. White, M. Gibbons, C. Wood. M Dunn, B- Siedfaden, M. Ryan, M. Settt. R. Daniels, M. Denner. M- Rotz-le Rotz-le I. Guthrie, A. Smith, E. Stewart, L. Collins, G. Lynne. C. Markshery. J. Robbins. G. Rathbone, E. Sax, S. Kane, B. .Prior, E. Smith. Minim Department. Misses R. Little, L. Poote. M. Warde, M. Fitzgerald, C. Geog'nfgan, R. Kenny, E. Engler. H. Beantis, M. Gebhart, L. Coleman. C. Hyland. B. Doody. L. Lage, E. Scher-mer, Scher-mer, N. Fitzmorris, M. Kidman, B. i Christensen. V. Ford. L. Kohtz, M. White, L. McCabe, M. O'Donnell, I. Griffin. H. Bugler, I. Smoot. M. Dillon, 1. Jeffrey, A. Brownlee. M. Fitzmorris. V. Daniels. M. Bro.vi:. M. Brennan. K. . Banvard. I. Kolitz. D. Apple, L. Golding. Gold-ing. H. Hill, L. Wilson. One hundred per cent in the following follow-ing studies for week ending Nov. 27, 1903: Christian Doctrine K. Johnston. E. Hughes. I. Kane. S. Gibbons, M. Desmond, Des-mond, A. Carter, M. Hughe. A. Cos-grove, Cos-grove, I. Meatrettl, F. McChrystal. M. Shields. M. McDonough. A. Dick. N. Smith, E. Bixby. L. White, N. Geary, C. Bonner, M. Denner, M. Rj an, 11. Daniels. Rhetoric Misses M. Evans, S. Gibbons. Gib-bons. N. Barrett, H. Ashton, A. Dick. A.. Carter. J. Dodds. Ancient History. Misses M. Evans, S. Gibbons, N. Barrett. Algebra. Misses V. Griffin. S. Gibbon Gib-bon s. Arithmetic Mirses I. West. F. McChrystal. Mc-Chrystal. C. Bonner, C. Rundberg. A. iCosgrove. E. Malone, A. Kennelly, C. Castles, H. Josselyn, G. Linnen. M. Franklin, S. Kane. United States History. Misses L. Burton. M. FrarVlln. E. Miehaelson. Geography Misses H .Josselyn. E. Bixby. Orthography. Misses A. Cosgrove, w. McDonough. M. McDonough, M. Hughes, I. Morrison. |