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Show Find the Sunny Side, Nothing contributes more to the highest successes suc-cesses than the formation of the habit of enjoying enjoy-ing things. Whatever your calling iij life may be, whatever misfortunes or hardships may come to you, make up your mind resolutely that, come what may, you will get the most possible real enjoyment enjoy-ment out of every day; that you will increase your capacity for enjoying life by trying to find the sunny sun-ny side of every experience of the day. Resolutely determine that you will see the humorous side of things. No matter how hard or unyielding your environment may seem to be, there is a sunny side if you can onlv find it. The mirth-provoking faculty, fac-ulty, even under trying circumstances, is worth more to a young person starting in life than a fortune for-tune without it. Make up your mind that you will be an optimist ; there shall be nothing of the pessimist' pes-simist' about you; that you will carry sunshine wherever you go. ' There is longevity in the sunny soul that eases our jolts and makes our sides shake with laughter. laugh-ter. ' There is a .wonderful 'medicinal effect in good cheer. . Good news and, glad tidings have a magic effect even upon invalids. We often see a whole store or factory or home transformed by one sunnv soul. On the ether hand, we have seen them blighted and made dark by. a gloomy, morose, fault-finding person''.---. :vl'.'"'-.f |