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Show ',""7. OFFICIAL ENDORSEMENT. '. iie 'm- j, hi Editor Intermountain Catholic: ;m,i iii My Dear Sir Replying to your faver asking my out tli approval of The Intermountain Catholic since its es- uturc tabllshment in this diocese. I will state that I consider miii the founding of a Catholic racer in Salt Lake not the j . 1 io least of the many blessings bestowed by Providence r hssu on the Church here during the past two years. Its 1. state birth occurred at an opportune time. Its zeal in prop- 'iKiiiff egating Catholic truth has had, since its inception, that : rny hearty though silent approval. I believe with . that Our Holy father that "a good Catholic journal is a icut t perpetual mission in a parish." and that it will serve )at as a question box, at ell times, for anxious inquirers. the v In my visitations I shall hope to find The Intermoun- ' spring tain Catholic in the home ot every Catholic family. . said ts mission is to espouse truth, justice and morality, .v be ar,d a11 devoted priests will find it an able co-6pera- u' cat tor in their missionary work. It is my wish that all of j.ii my Priests and the laity entrusted to my charg? la,, d should encourage your noble effort and that of the lor Oh generous founder of The Intermountain Catholic. th? a Tours sincerely, L. SCANLAN. ran" Bishop of Salt Lake. , 1UU(. Salt Lake City. Oct. 2, 1900. Sod!,,o CARD FROM BISHOP SCANLAN. as fo early I feel it my duty to protect Catholics and the pub- inK lie generally from fraud and imposition by notifying Thursi them from time to time that no person bearing tho 'y name and garb of a priest or sister, or anyone els t be is authorized or permitted to solicit or collect in this ?h an. diocese for any purpose whatever connected with the v; cat Catholic Church without having from me permission ribute In writing, bearing my seal and signature. Should ripti' anyone be found engaged in doing this unlawful work ( dial or collecting without puch a document, he or she, as f the case may be. should be regarded by all as a fraud n "ut and an imposter. L. SCANLAN, 1 fa! Bishcp of Salt Lake. ;it ion Nov. 20, 18P9. ' n |