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Show 'Infill . .WIIIW1 . PTOWN iSjlfl, Manufacturer anJ Dealer in iflfl floemeiieiiits l '.ij TOMBSTONES, TABLET HARKERS. 1 i I Vd " iRSC VlA-i - . iKy-Nf."L ZpTr.v;'rj Before placing- your order for a Moniimont, or cemetery w"rk nC any de- f-tcff-M tX&tSl scription. it will be to your interest to see my collection of designs, which. I lyA-'i-ir vfcyb-ffi am prepared to execute In the best crudes of American or foreign marble or ffZfiXl 'j i i v granite. Estimates given in cemetery work in ail yarts of the counvry. Mail 'pHjULAyl orders a specialty. 'jjjjgjal : 634 East Fourth South Street. SALT LAKE GITY..' Good to the Last Bite J 6 :'! ' Apt1y(iscribes the tender, juicy, fine flavored 'sirlnln . O . Q wl?l!(VfrriiJ steaks we furnish. Ixt of other sood thing In thf' . O Q X If' iL?( s""' meat line, too roasts of beef, lamb and mutton: tnr- O O 'jf':r'.t-... . I V keys, chickens, game; ham. fresh and cured, etc., etc, X Q If - I " ?V Those who know speak well uf our meats.- You vill Q n jF.-'- f C jr if you try them. '' C Q f TELEPHONES - ' 2 Q J ' Kf'-, .- I Office, 134. Order DepartnVm, W. ' O i 0 f fg x jymJgjL A Order Department, 946. ' Yard, .201. ' " 'Q Q CfiSSSfeEsS 2-2 SOUTH MAIN STREET. G mmm-r THOMAS J. NIPPER. Proprietor.- " " 8 OCOOOOOOOXXXXXX)OOOOOOOC . OTMQTOfl ill WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ; - . ' ' ' OF" S2 CASTING K-- ML ommi QlfEP FEfiFT fTTESMTlOP SAMUEL HILL, Superintendent. 1 5 ; OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOX)OOOOCOOO jj 1 jj IElias Morris& Sons Co. Importers and Dealers in 8 Marble and Granite Stone 8 MANTELS. GRATES AND Q MONUMENTAL WORK. Q 21, 23, 23, 27 West South Temple Street, X . q Salt Lake City. Utah. O Graduate of Tuning. Dept. New England Conservatory Con-servatory of Music, Boston, Mass. Tuner and Repairer of PIANOS AND ORGANS. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. F. COALTER MUSIC CO. PifPPS And Fine Watch Repairing a Specialty. . TLTQN &JGQ. RCHANT3. - WW? I43-VAIN.TTREET T U Finest and Largest Manufacturing Department Depart-ment in the Intermountain Region. Your Old Gold or Jewelry made up in the latest and most fashionable designs. Cash paid for Old Gold. ' Edward McGurrin Suites on top' floor Strevell-Paterson Building. . SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. COMPEL if C Undertakers and 1 Embalmers. ' Metropolitan Hotel Block. I ' !26D S. WEST TEMPLE STREET, i Telephone 530. SALT LAKE CITY. IIIWIIi Ml Hill I ! IIBMM Wllllll IIIIIM 1 1 HI II III I III I II l3 Pyv I Sample copies of One Inl yJM Hk3 Hundred different leading Catholic papers and magazines sent -to any address upon receipt of Ten Gents to pay for mailing. BUREAU OF CATHOLIC LITERATURE, : 825 Maple Avenue, Zanestfiile, Ohio. I BUTTE CITY. JOHN A. CREIGHTON .President i GEORGE W. STAPLETON Vice President T. M. HODGENS Cashier , jmte jmmj PflNK. 1 BUTTE, MONTANA. Transacts a General Banking Business. - I v Interest paid on deposits. Drafts paid in all parts of the world. DIRECTORS. John A. Creighton, G. W. Stapleton, A. H. Barret, E. D. Leavitt, S. V. Kemper, J. O. Hodgens, T. M. Hodgens. SALT LAKE GITY. THE 3IWE 3MK T mm.- Commercial Banking in all Its Branches. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. Special attention given to country trade. 'Capital Paid in $200,000. General Banking in All Its Branches. )j Directors J. B. Cosgriff. John J. Daly, O. J. f Salisbury, Moylan C. Fox. J. E. Cosgriff. YV . P. l Noble, George M. Downey, John Donnellan, A. j F. Holden. : - j |