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Show ' if IliL t -. 1, , fry;7-uH Sacred Heart Academy, OGDEN, UTAH. Boarding: and day school. The highest Intellectual advantaK?s. a beautiful and comfortable home, and careful attention at-tention to all that pertains to good health, sound mental ; training, refined manners and the best generaL culture. Superior advantages in music and art. Send for catalogue to Sister Superior, ' Ogden, Utah. THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME NOTRE DAME, INDIANA. Full courses in classics. Letters economics eco-nomics and history, journalism, art science, sci-ence, pharmacy. law. civil, merha'nical arm e.ectrical engineering, architecture. thorough preparatory and commercial courses. Rooms free to all students who have completed the studies required for admission ad-mission into the sophomor?, junior or senior year of any of the collegiate courses. Rooms to .rent, moderate charge to students stu-dents over seventeen preparing for collegiate col-legiate courses. A limited number of candidates for the ecclesiastical state will be received at special rates. St. Edward's hall for boys under 13 ears, is unique in the completeness of its equipment. iahe ??th ,ypar wil1 op" September 8, Catalogue free. Address aV' MORRISSE. C. Si c. President Presi-dent Box 240. Graduate of Tuning Dept.. Xcw England Conservatorv of Music.Boston. Mass. GEORGE H. VINE, lum and Repairer of ; Pianos and Organs. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. F. COALTER MUSIC CO.' "Notice to Creditors. ESTATE OF GEORGE GOOD, . DE-ceased. DE-ceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of McGurrin & Gustin. tfOO Scott-blrevell Scott-blrevell building. Salt Lake Citv Utah, on or before the 22d day of March D V01- CELESTIXE GOOD! Executrix of the Last Will and Testament Testa-ment of George Good, Deceased McGurrin & Gustin, Attorneys for Executrix. IX TH E. . DISTRICT", COURT.; . PRO-bate PRO-bate division, in and for Salt Lake county coun-ty state of Utah. In the matter of the estate of Alex. Swedlin, deceased Notice The petition of Martin Enquist administrator adminis-trator of the estate of Alox. Swedlin de- ceased, praying for the settlement of nnal account of said administrator and tor the distribution of the residue of Bald estate to the persons entitled has been set for. hearing on Friday, the 23d dav of October. A. D. 1903. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the county court- house, h, the court room of said court.- in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake county,. L tah. , - ..-Witness ..-Witness the cferk of said court, EK.hthe g,ea'Jh;rpf affixed this (Seal) 10th day of October,. A D tWS -V -,- - ; . JOHN JAMES.' Clerk. . ' -By - DA VJD-jB. DA VIES. , ' " "deputy.- riej-Jc. Edward McGurrin, Attorney 'or Pti" .lit loner. ' ; First publication, Oct. 17, 13. L "j prompt salute you., PHAcnoAL want you to know mo. am a printer. am one of the good kind. want to prove it to you. know I can. do commercial printing do other kinds, too. do any kind well. I can do yours. Try me. I Evn I (C GsawFsa mm Commercial Club Bldg. Entrance on Pierpont St. ;...THE.... LIFE AND LIFE WORK OF POPE LEO XIII. OFFICIALLY ENDORSED. A Beautiful Story of a Saintly Life. Prepared Pre-pared and Written for the American People from the Pope's Memoirs, His Public Documents from Reminiscences of Friends and Relatives. Including also a Sketch of the Life of His Successor. Suc-cessor. Bj Rey. James J. McGovern, D. D. Who resided in Rome for ten years, was a welcome visitor at the Vatican, where he came in perfonal contact with Pope Leo. and who later brought home with him a special and personal blessing from the Holv Father in behalf of those people peo-ple confided to his care. THE ONLY LIFE OF LEO XIII ENTIRELY UP TO DATE. ILLUSTRATED WITH 100 PICTURES OF RARE VALUE. Issued with the Imprimatur of James Edward Ed-ward Quigley. Archbishop of Chicago. Elegant Colored Plates. The Only Life of Lm XIII Containing Colored Plates. Sold on the Installment Plan Also. Leo's life almost spanned the nineteenth nine-teenth century. His policy, character and genial disDOsition gained for him the friendship " of monarchs. diplomats and the humblest of every iand. Every Catholic home will want a "copy of the Life of the Holy Father, and every American citizen, regardless of his faith, will desire the Life of Leo as a statesman, scholar and poet. Every workingman will subscribe for. the Life ot Jeo. laoor s grcaieai i:uaiuKM""' '- 50) pags. Best terms to agents: credit given. OUTFIT FREE on receipt ot 12 cents to pay postage. Cardinal Gibhons officially endorses Rov. James J. McGovcrn's work. HOME NOVELTY MFG. CO. Box S12. Englcwood Station, Chicago, 111. I Banks and Banking, j BUTTE CITY. . JOHN- A. CREIGHTON. - President GEO. W. STAPLETON. - Vice President TV M. HODGEN3, .- - - Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK BUTTE, MONTANA. - Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest paid on deposits. Draft paid in all parts of the world. ,. DIRECTORS. , John A Creighton, G. WV Stapletoii, ' -A. H.- Barret.- - E. D. Leavitt,- , 8. V, Kemper. - J. O. Hodgena. , T. M.' Hodgens. ; Send In .75 centa with year ysax's gubBcrlptlon (or 75 cents with all old arreajra) and. eecur a handsome toI- : rims', of Father Elllofi "111 0f ' Christ-. . UNION PACIFIC THREE TRAiriS DAILY VIA TO M OMAHA, KANSAS CMY, mB? ST. LOUIS. and all Principal Eastern Points Many hours quicker than any other line. NO CHANGE OF CARS, "THE OVERLAND ROUTE" all the way. Electric-Lighted Trains running ever; day. Full inform-'' --"- -':catioa tj TICKET OFFICE: 201 Mam Street. dm iopki 1 mi k ' SANTA ROUTE' ..DIRECT LINE FROM UTAH To Kansas City. St. Joseph. Cliteay-r . . Galveston. El Pato and tne Mininf . . Camp3 of Now Mexioo and Arizona. THREE TRAINS DAIL-V For particular about Reduced Kates East th!a summer, apply to C. F. WARREN. . . GENERAL AGENT ah rooif Block. Sait Lake CUr. Ctk. 1 IT YOU ARE Q01NO TO Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, New York, or any point East or South See that your ticket reads ?1 Missouri Pacific Railway. Elegant coaches, qn'ok time and taper) track makes thia line the people's farorlu route. The only line reaching Hot Spring. Arkaa aas, the Carlsbad of America. For maps, la-formation, la-formation, ete., call on or address: i o'DONNEL & CO I Undertakers and Embaimers. ' Metropolitan Hotel Block. ; 269 S. WEST TEMPLE STREET. SALT 1AKE C1TT. f. Telephone 530. A t o c . li 1 ' k !gDAyS,7Hrs.,23Min, Record Passage by tlie old reliabie ESTABLISHED 1840. The Oldest Line Crossing the Atlantic. When you send for friends or go to Eu.-o;.e Baar in Findths Following: THE 7WIN HOREW STE.iXSM?S LUCAfJIA & CAaWANJA 623 Fest 1.0,15, 30.000 Hon Por. The Fastest Steamers on N. Y, Liverpool Koute. THE FAST EXPRESS STEALERS UiYIBRIA and ETRURJA 525 Feet Lon.j. 14,500 Horse Pcwpr. THE ft'fsy TWIN-VCEW 8TSACHtP ' C A R P ATH I A ) tr.r;4 6,. Kcrt t.oii. 1 3.55.- Toim. THE MAMMOTH TjVIHSCREW STEAMSHIPS IVERfJIA and SAXOSA 600 Feet Lons, H.150 Tons. The Largest Steamers that Ever Entered Port of Boston. ULTONIAiK1;-,,,. AURAW 3 Al?". nt SATURDAY, and EXTRA TUESDAY fortnh'ly Sailing 'rotn New York nl Liverpool. TUESDAY 'nm B'riion. id Liverpool, Calling H IJneenjtown. F. G.WHITIN3. M;jr..Oe3.-bor,i and Raido!s:i. Chtcaqi. OR OUR LOCAL ACENT3 EVERYWHERE. Openttee Mt Locl Train Serrlee In the Stto FKOJI 10 TO 40 MINUTES VASTEST LLNE Tf OODEX. FKOVO. EUREKA, MANTI. ETC. STIiron Daily Fast Trains o n ; r- TO TUB EAST J) Ittllaaan Paiaoe and Ord'aary ?leep- ing Care wltnout chanse to I Dtanr, Oma, Lijui Citj, St. Loau ui Ck;cig. 1 Perfect Wnlnir Car Service. Ma- I niacenl Scenery. I Tlekat Offica. So. 103 W'ett Saaond Haatb. I Dooly Uiok Corner. I X. A- BETOX. 6nral Agaat, TIME TABLE. In Effect Nov. 22, 1903. arrivp:. . From Otjden, PortlanJ. Butte S.jii ?'rancisc and Omsha S:C0 a. m. From Ogden and intermediate points 3:10 a. m. From Ogden. Cacti" Valley. i;hi-caso. i;hi-caso. tft. I.ouis. Omaha. Denver Den-ver and intermediate polntM..11:-hr a. m. I Friui Osden. ChioaRO. St. I.ouis. I Kansas City. Omaha. Denver and San Krancisr-o -1:13 p. rti. I From Osdeu. Cache Valley. I I5utte. St. Anthony, Portland and Sa:i Francisco 6:33 p. m. I DEPART. I For Osden. Omaha. Chican, Denver. Kansas Citv and St. I Louis :.. t:v) a. in. 1 For Ogdfn. St. Anthony. Port- land. San Francisco and In- termediate points ". 10;20 a. m. For Oa;den. Omaha. Chicago. Denver. Kansas City. St.- J Louis and San Krarcisco 1:10 p. m. For Ogden, Cache Valley. Den- ver. Kansas City. 0"nal.a, Si. Louis and Chicaso . 3:13 p. m. I For Osden. Cache Valley, ftutte. ? Helena, Portland. Snri FYan- f cisco and intermfdiate points. II: 13 p. m. t T. M. SCHI'MAC'HKR. D. E. Bt'RLHY, j Traf. Afsrr. O. P. A T. A. I t. a. spkx :kr. a. g. p. a. t. a. ; City Ticket Office. 201 Alain. Telephone Xo. 230. |