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Show ! w f , ! jjjjjj CITY OF DENVER. J 3isliop Katz on ''Socialistic Hatred." i tSeciaI Correspondence.) j Sunday of this v.eek ushered in the !,. , T lcly season of Advent, and the day lsnop JVlf vag obhervcrj all the Catholic hurrhes of the city with unusual sn!- (Si)c tmnily. SeniiMiis apropos of the gos- ... , ' T '' of the day were preached by the ,01't t ;i,y pastors, and at the Iogan avenue argc 01 ihar.el Bishop Matz save a lenpthy ad- Ir,L' ,:I ircss on topics suggested by the text. i'.iJmj an- the li.v Quiet in the extreme has been the . recti! t . ,asl w-eek in religious circle?. Through- e church jut the diocese :hcre has been little of I'his is-thi .inportanc-. going on and the subject will say i uppermost in the minds of both clergy the 'wie ir.d laity is the preparation for the lie." He Vart of Christmas. The reliprioas si- mt-y con niftcance of the day is never list siht jr ,, u , f in the active preparations for mak-Mck mak-Mck in-t-s' 'l H 1h' "' pift-pivins and reoeiv- iiiniistic ln'r- '1'1' speHal arp is being given to denvor't- niake lh relieious exercises of an ini- ' pivseiv1 -rra-ter. T1,n 'hiistmas music will be a fa- 7'.'., , ll"'f' r th' ll;l' ' H hft ' hurches, -!'" a arid the choirs of the city aic busily omiscd I rr.pasred in preparing for an elaborate aiciu'-irL musical programme. It is a uille early dldinp us yet to announce definitely ihe hours ,ow that Df ihe Masses, but they wiil doubtless edited wi lie the same as in previous years. Her- ribed. a mons appropriate to the day are now ling it v ;n r-otirso of preparation. Bis-hop X. C. ptcdly. Matz will deliver his usual Christmas 0 after Bddress at the Lsnn avenue chapel, opcrty, V Btid in the other churches the pastors ll)u. p.. will preach. i . ' I Uie par . 11 The change in th hours of the Sun- thout th a-v Classes at logan avenue chapel future nns I'rov,1l quite satisfactory to the is sane rengi-egation. as v,as attested by the ' ' , 'arge attendance at the services last , . . Punday. Bishop Matz upon assuming 1 "tt :,K l';iSl,,ra1e ,r ehurch eliminated al estate 5;1( (lf tne carv Masse?, reducing the longing number to four. Kvery seat was taken sn that i it rai.n Mass last Sunday and the "1S that bishop feels gratified at the result of flicient t' his lirst attempt. The attendance at that set the evening devotions is nothing short at the w nf marvelous-. Formerly there were 1" spring Pea reel r a score of people present at He said the Sunday vespers, while standing- itdy Vie '""in is eagerly sought now. Bishop the cat Matz has begun a most interesting: 1 of pre 'cries of lectures on "Socialism." and t far '.his fact is doubtless responsible for ither Ch 'ne increase 'n 'he aitendanee and in- lf the a terest. The second of the series of lec- stion"- lures was given on last Sunday even- : Ing before a c hurch tilled to .capacity, ins, muc. Jn lh0 oourt.e vt llis remai.Ks Bishop lrl ful1 1 Socialistic hatred is not only hatred rssed to ,,r mar. but ilatrpd of society; and if a as foi nils hatred is as we have seen, the ruin 'Dearly nf man, how much mere will it be the ieting o -ujn ,,f society. It is the dissolvent of Thursc society, wholly incomparable with so- iusly ag ial life and social progress. But so- 'nt be 1 :iety with this evil gnaw ing at its vitals lish anc ;annot make a people great, happy and the cat progressive. Multiply as much as you ntribute please all the miracles of genius and bscriptic art, science and eloquence, wealth and thcdral diplomacy: with hatred cankering the urso of " T.art, hatred between great and small, von out "ion and poor, you can never save that tie 1 cai people, but the reason is because hatred ndition in the heart constitutes the cancer of are in Scciety. when once that disease has were t! reached the heart, life is in danger and operty 3eath approaches. Hatred in the indi- "We ov tidual as well as in society paralyzes ance. tl H: devours" all: and when it has de- ,- lialf 1) ioured all, it devours itself, thus prov- oneriv !ng by the ruins it made and the chaos lis prop 1 created the truth of what-we said, iporatio namely, that it is a beginning of hell that it .11 man and society. r sold But what more than- anything e"lse iporatio sesiows upon the hatred of socialism '.Apart Its satanic character is its 'hatred of all nate '.hat is godly, or its hatred of God him- hatcvor f. Man never more resembles satan, well a and society is never more like hell, 'k in f '.ban when their combined hatred, al- al build ready so terrible in themselves, are in- the bi iestcd with this phenomenal hatred of !e have. 3d. Now the hatred of socialism is Jd subf -.tamped in its innermost heart w ith this e name: natrcd of Und. It has made a jmblic ut- confession of this, pi that we can en- v j lertain no doubt on this point. 'ns- '' Now let us ask: what can b- the! souallj rause of this complex hatred of social- :i n o ( t sm j(n jtf. three-fold element, hatred .mniiltt! nf n.n jiatred or society and hatred 'd'throi ,f 'orJ'' tE r,n,t ani rrincipal cause )osfi J( ios in the separation of our age from ii'ii'io v the people have lost all faith and ''There 8 11 roliSic,n- Think of SO.OOO.noo people r!l' lo in this great republic, with but little bic'h is ever one-fourth that" number professing WV any religion. The reason for this is to tins- or 1,0 fun(i in our system of education, f ockin which is Godless. Year after year our j lie w retl public schools graduate and turn over ..riak' lo fooiety millions of children- who pos- u U,'t ?es jiot even the faintest notion of a , ,),,, V( Sod or a hereafter. If it is true (and This -, the history of the world for 6.000 years "ar in r proves this conclusively) that a nation ally hi without religion is doomed to perdition, st Of t then our national system of education itliin U Is fast undermining the republic. It is II that. unquestionably the mort powerful aux- 'iiteh. c iliary of socialism which is rapidly re- -.ing v fruiting its ranks with these Godless 'Ttetu e generations which we are yearly turn- i thcdral ing loose upon society. It is but little i i's ac over fifty years since we have adopted this system, and today the people of the United States' arc atheists by txvo- This cl thirds of its pojmlation. It stands to K t.i a icason that for a nation to be great it j alianan must be founded ou virtue and en- i is old h dowed with the spirit of sacrifice. But :shop there can be no sacrifice without virtue, ii: e tin which alon-e can inspire it: and there '' Call ran be no virtue without religion from Mo sun w hich alone virtue can take its source: ': decii there tan be no religion without a- spar God, for religion is the bond that binds he d-:tie us to God. God the Creator is the nat- is to a tiial center al.ut whoin all humanity giavitatea Take nxvay God. liunwn- Bifho ily s only oorrtor of gravitation; take At the nxvay religion, its lav of attraction: .ogan a' take away virtue, the flower it pro- 'unced duces, and sacrifice, which causes this !.-n in f f.owt-r to grow luxuriantly, and bring tttiitior lor:!i fruit abundantly; presently you Socialis change this garden of paradise into tiale oi a very valley of death, f lectur The next cause of this socialistic ; iv Sui hatred is the spirit of prevarication ha pel. -with its natural offspring, moral de-j The si rravity, and here Ave have the s-pirit of Matz hi covttousness xith its heartless extor- -ornc- of- tions; the mad passion -for wealth, with lay eve Its scandalous orgies at the stock ex- .videsprf ohangc; the abuse of wealth with its "Socia! wanton extravagance of waste and f a gor gaudy display. !on't you realize how tioji .,f nu'-h thew scandalous disorders which iio' lai'v harac terize American society have the righ contributed to create in the heart of the emerged people this socialistic hatred? Dort ?tiei:ge . 'ou knoxx- that this array of Babalon- if 1'brr. ian pomp and pagan luxury and sy- !: he free. baritic revelry develops daily and, List t x c hourly In the heart of a people deprived iK h pre of all this, the- passion of ruling, pos- lion. r sessing and enjoying, and that this iipy. an triple passion begets the fruitful germ i, aland of popular hatred? Surely this" is an- -now-ii: other prolific cause of this hatred which breath I constitutes today the chief peril of our march t nation. Add to this a st "n Rational press Cue da xy recking with crime: a literature satu- ilizHtion rated with immorality and dripping unbound "xxitli filth, and you will realize that a ited fret society inoculated with ihe virus of S'loinlisi such and so many vices must be ap- icady t proaching dissolution, and unto smch a stained- dissolution- there is not a more power- ty in tl ful solvent than the hatred of social- perous J ism. w hich it is intensifying and aggra- Cm-e it - ating every day more and more. . drc-Hmc . i;,!ism: i:ev. John Gushing, who has been at "Socif the Ti'appist monasiery in Gethsemane, v'hich Ky for the past t-ix months, has re- siabilit; turned to Denver once more in an en- billty a (Uavor to be reinestated under Bishop the off: Matz in the Denver diocese. Bishop one- n Matz has not yet announced his inten- commo) lion of takinp any definite action in the the txx. matter. Father Gushing has been ill spring. almost continually since he left Dcn- -ss.--nt.it ver and le now but a shadow of hi? beauty former Ftalwart self. He has led a re- I'leasini tired life at the monastery, which in ! morals Koran T-ighbc the un itself has not been conducive to his physical betterment. Since leaving Grrhsemane he has visited the papal delegate at Washington to again ptate : his ca-se, but he has not announred that he will give Bishop Matz further trouble. trou-ble. f Rev. John B. White, who has been seriously ill at the Mercy sanitarium, is almost completely recovered. He will soon be able to return to the parochial paroch-ial residence and take up hits work there again. The fair which was held last week for ihe benefit of St. Clara's orphanage orphan-age was a splendid success. The contests con-tests proved quite remunerative, and jn other ways the affair was an artistic ar-tistic success. The Sifters have sent out the following card of thanks to their frh-nds: -The sisters of St. Clara's orphanage xvish to extend their most sincere thanks to the noble, generous and zealous zeal-ous president of their fair, Mrs. Fred Si pan .and also to every member of the committee for laboring with euch untiring un-tiring zeal for the benefit of the orphans. or-phans. They also return many thankfs to Mr. George Dostal. secretary and treasurer of the fair, for the interest and fidelity which he manifested: as also to all the kind friend? who contributed con-tributed o liberally towards making their fair "a grand succefff." The Sisters Sis-ters are greatly indebted to thir kind benefactors and wish them every bless-ing bless-ing in return." Mr. John J. Hagus. the pioneer business busi-ness man of Colorado, who was operated oper-ated on bv Dr. W. B. Craig at St. Joseph's Jo-seph's hospital last Thursday, is much impioved and is sloxvly recovering. His condition is still serious, but his friends J are untying for his return to health. : At his bedside are the wife and children. chil-dren. Mrs. George Brandenburg, Mr. Joseph C. Hagus, Mr. Louis F. Hagus, Mr. Charles Jlagus and Miss Emma Hagus. Mr. Louis Hagus was summoned sum-moned from Baltimore, where he is taking his senior year at the theolop-I theolop-I ica! seminary. He will be ordained in Juno. The funeral of Mrs. Thomas Austen Hayes took place from the Logan Avenue Ave-nue chape? on Tuesday morning and was attended by hundreds of devoted friends. The unusually sad circumstance? circum-stance? surrounding the death of Mrs. Hayes attracted the sympathy of scores of acquaintances, and the funeral fu-neral was one of the most impressive ever held from the cathedral parish. Mrs. Hayes died of pneumonia, contracted con-tracted within the past few weeks. She leaves three children, Thomas Austen Aus-ten Hayes, jr.. aged 7 years: Julia i Bouchon Hayes, aged IS months, an. a baby boy of 5 weeks. May her soul rest in peace. PUEBLO, COLO. Thirty-five candidates were initiated by Pueblo council 557, Knights of Co-iumbus, Co-iumbus, Sunday, and three degrees were conferred, the first two by the degree de-gree team of the local council and the third by District Deputy Dan B. Carey and his staff. The ceremonies attendant attend-ant upon the initiation began at tl o'clock and were not finished until 7:30 in the evening. Many out of town Knights were present to assist in the ceremonies. In the evening an elaborate banquet was indulged in at the Imperial hotel, plates being set for 130. Music ami toasts were the order of the evening. Judge Galligan acted as toastmaster and responses were made by many of the local knights as well as by several of the visitors. The banquet lasted until un-til a late hour. , |