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Show tin- J;i liis is-tlu I .ill say ;i the 'wrc CATHEDRAL NOTES. ' ie- 1Jo Sunday, Dec. 12, will be Communion ney con , gunday for the members of theChildren oI u ' of Mary Sodality. The regular meet- 'k inyes ing will bo held at St. Mary's academy imistic v In the afternoon at 3 o'clock. 1 1 all is The promoters of the Sacred Heart hop M.i league held their usual monthly meet- :t;Sij a Jng lat Sunday. The members of the .miscil t league vrnt to Holy Communion in a i. ni'-iiL body on the Friday, lding 4 w tliat Mrs. Mary Judge, with her upual gen-diti-d wi erosity, has donated $100 to the St. Anil,,, An-il,,, a. ai thony's guild. i ins: it "A ,t,.riiv. The pedlars of religus articles have i after l departed (not this life, but from the ,v'vltv city), for which all should sing a Te ,.. he 1- Dexirn. la'ud' th! The i5" of tn? Altar society of the 'bout thi cathedral will hold their regular .' ,.,., monthly meeting: on Monday at 2 lutuic o'clock. same , ,,a ,or Mr. Al Whiteman. the tenor soloist, tz Hsj-ii! .; f the cathedrai choir, has been ill for I csiate tne part two weeks. He has been onging frreatly missed In the choir, n that l . ,R. ,nut ; See and hear "The Brownie Band" at 'H-kMit t-' he Grand theater Wednesday, Dec. 9. that ter Tickets, 25 cents. t the w spring. Mrs. Al Whiteman was the soloiet at : !e said , the n o'clock mass last Sunday. tcly bH 4. the c.-ttl Requieum high mas? was celebrated of pro on Monday by Rev. Father Kiely for far di the repose of the soul' of the late John her Cm! Holland. f the ai - trong All the young sirla of the Junior ng niui-1 choir must attend an extra rehearsal , lo. on Saturday night at 6 o'clock, at 131 n full t iEast Flret South. The next rehearsal use, to "'ill be Sunday morning at 9:30, and i as fol - he final one Sunday afternooi at 8 Dearly o'clock. All are requested to be pressing pres-sing "o nt-Thursc nt-Thursc uslv ac members of St. Anthony's Guild nt 'bP , met last Tuesday afternoon. The la- ish ant 31es wno nave been collecting report th cat! yreat success attending their work. The tribute next meeting will be held at the "Wilson Wriptic hotel, Tuesday, Dec. 22. All members hcdral are requested to be present. 'n iut Tuesday, Dec. S, will be the feast of iV 1 cur Immacuate Conception. ' . ' All' aspirants w-ha expect to be re-arc re-arc in cvived into the Sodality of the Children were ti of Mary on Sunday, Dec. IS, are re-porty re-porty quested to attend the rehearsal at St. We ov Mary's academy, Thursday, Dec. 10, at hnifh 4 p. m. sharp. ''.,erly ' Rev. Father Morrissey will celebrate u- pi op mass at Bingham next Sunday, poratin -'pold'1 Mrfl' Mary JudRe- Mrs- Thomas int-Htio K earns and W. J. Halloran have taken Apart l boxes for the cantata for Wednesday late ir, night. Those in- charge of the affair latcvor fxpect to sell all the four remaining well a fcoxes- . k in f , i,Uji,i Rehearsal for the young girls of the the laj Junior choir will be ' held Saturday ,. have evening at 6 o'clock. Sunday morning id subs Pt P:30, Sunday afternoon at 2:30. All , riaiiu re expected to attend, t. The programme will commence at S j win t " n'clock sharp. Wednesday, owin-g to so ns. al! many little children taking part. ..nall 4. .t) over Edward Fitzpatrick, Frank Williams minium nd Thomas Feeney, violinists, will as- ire new. tist on Wednesdaj- evening, d ihroi- ipo.e ( Miss McEvoy, Miss Morrison, Miss ming y Cuddy, Miss Walsh, Miss Flynn, Miss Th'.i e ; Harley, Miss Owen, Miss Buboltz. Miss : h to Goldwaithe an-d Mrs. Whiteman will as- i h is. pist with the children "Wednesday night. :1 will The ladies are requepted to attend the rinaop rehearsals Sunday and Tuesday after- H k in Coons, otherwise their assistance on wrt'ck Wednesday will be useless, riakc, 4- r t The children must be at the The- V1'.' r Btre at 7:15 sharp on Wednesday. Par- n.'? 'nts are requested to send the little a' in." encs early. lllv ni No one will be allowed behind the , pcenes until after the programme, ex- Mun tl cept the ladies who have been request- ' JH ; ed to assist. No exception will be i"o v,. made to this rule, as too much con- 'TferM e fusiofi will result if parents and friends th.-dral come on the stage. ;, Under no circumstances will floral efferings be presented over the footlights. foot-lights. The reason for this is well Thin rli known. At several entertainments t1" a previously given many little hearts .Ihinan. eched on account of receiving no flow- . ,,1 h r6, 510 those in. charge have decided to h"P riot a-l'ow anv to be given. In this th' "w'ay. no child will be slighted, and ,-., the children are all too dear and good io sun ' to e neglected in any way. .- dP.'i "" ,. ..,,;ir, For the benefit of the mothers who .-li,. may not quite understand about the (o ;l ' ostumcs a few more instructions will be given. The wood nymphs and fairies Eisho wear fairy drepses; the butterflies wear j a chesecloth empire dress over the fairy ,",.. n gown: the flower girls wear fairy gowns ' 'ti'.ccJ ith flower baskets: the brownies wear 'J either a brown or green costume, with Ti'Vtior. coat or blouse, and a high dunce cap iulis completes this costume: the gypsy cos- i ia te or trme is, of course, understood. Black j ,. j1 ' ' shoe;" or slippers, with black hose, are i i ' Sun preferred except for the very little n H'j ' girls, who may wear colored slippers j Tli Rn,t nof:e their mothers so desire. . 'J' t Edward McGurrin will have charge! ome oV c, ,lle tickets at the door and will j ' kindly arrange for the usher?. Mas- I , .!. ters John Sloan and Marvel Brennan -"Soc;a''' alpo aSf,Ft aS usheis?. .f a RJ.'r All the children must attend rehear- I '',!,''., pal on Saturday at 3:15, at the usual l Tlace. he nnh' ' 4 L1'1' ''1 Requiem High Mass was , celebrated Lf vhrii i,onda' at st- Gary's cathedral bv , f Rev. Father Kiely, for the reinse of ' v twe th F0ul of thp lale Ht'13! Halloran. p -h nrc Wr?' Trcm0-V' a lister of the deceased, ( ' .' came here a few weeks ago from Phil- '. adelphia to see after her brother's re- lund mains. She selected the finest lot in "mow ci" Mt' CalvarJr cemetery, to which the re- ',. , 1 mains were removed. Mrs. Tremoy iar h1 v mourns the death of her loved brother . very sincerely and she has the sym- 'iLtl-m rathy of all in her grief. |