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Show mLEM HOTEL S. C. EWIXG. PROP, Salt Lake City Street Cars From All Trains Pass the Door. M mEM FMT Of I Ts spent at the dininr table. There you should look p'.epsant. he pleasant and pleased. Onr line of silver tableware is conducive to pleasure and it is not expensive. We have a nw iine nf both plat?d and solid, and can suit every fancy and every purse. We have also a fine line of Diamonds. Watches and Jewelry Mail orders filled the day of receipt. JEWELER. j j 1 I Successor to Joslin & Park. SALT LAKE. UTAH. DENVER. COLO. Established 1S6. Mail orders a specialty. Booklet free by mail, if requested. E. E. BURLINGAME & CO. Assay Office and Chemical Laboratory. Established in Colorado. 1866. Samples by mail or express will receive prompt and careful attention. GOLD AND SILVER BULLION. Kefined, Melted and Assayed or Purchased. One hundred pounds or carload lots. Write for terms. 1736-1738 Lawrence street, Denver. Colo. ERSKINE BROS. : : srmn ! SFITTIM . . , JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 53 West First South. Telephone 029-X E. H, Airis, Pres. R. W. Nichol, Sec'y. Salt Lake Elect nc Supply Cqq Contracting Electricians. Wholesale and Retail Electric Supplies. Best assorted line of Electric Fixtures west of Chicago. , Phone No. 6. 451 Main Street, Salt Lake City. HEATING UENTILATING Dealers in Pipe Fittings, Valves. Hose Boilers, Engines, Fire Brick, Sewer Pipe, Etc. 136 SOUTH STATE STREET. Telephone 1053 X. 'Phone 162. Modern Plumbing and House Heating 211 State Street, Salt Lake City. J. F. BEXXETT, W. J. BENNETT, Pres. and Mgr. Sec. and Treas. Bennett Glass & Paint Co. Successors to Sears Glass and Paint Co. 67 West First South, Salt Lake City. Carry the largest and most complete stock in the west. '- : : r-! Phone S20 3 Rings. Established 1SS7. w, Jo mmmm !EL ESTATES , . ;L0 . I 14 West Third South St. SALT LAKE CITT. AN ALL YEAR ATTRACTION. The Sanitarium Baths I : 1 $150,000 Bathing Institution. NATURAL HOT SULPHUR WATER, just as it. comes from earth, healing: all the ailments of mankind. Located in the heart of business district, just a few-rods few-rods from all hotels. TWO IMMEXSE SWIMMING POOLS. PRIVATE All r- Pfn ' TUB PLUNGES. All 25 Len tS BATHS. Only Gents' Turkish Bath in City, ladies' Turkish Bath. Halrdiessing and Manicuring, Chiropody. Finest in the City. . Open Day and Night. THE SANITARIUM BATHS .;- 51-54 West Third South Salt-Lake Crty. i . i r f 01 TfrjlJ a U Lalnl iL i a Li! Is Produced Bv What We Hat j Li 'V prolonged hy 11 mo:-;-!. '.!; j food. Joori. bread is th-- ;n'"i ? article of food. . ;.;; li.tv- 1 1 be?t evc-ry day by f!.p!-.-r.i!i.i' ! r. i 1 MODEL STEAM lUKiiKV I (I. A. I KIDKI.. rn.i.nHor. ' ii ' cIl 1 W I INTER QUARTERS, j CLEAR GREEK, I Anthracite--AI! Sizes. j Coke, Charcoal, Blacksmith. 73 Main Street. C Telephone 421. D. d. 'SHARP. Agent CXOCXDCOCXDOCCCXDCGCKXCCOpOO COOCOOCCCC? Chandeliefs, 8 Electric Wiring, Electric Supplies I. I mmmmmn I ELECTS I CO. 45 East Fir-t South Street. X Salt. Lake City. I tail. g C)OOCCXDC)OCK)OCOOOOOOCCOOCO XDOCOOOOCOC iTMiior II I; Man 7 pns'xibly rliies"' nt ! II . rJyf' !..s without his 3 "' 1 TsSr . i dr.sr can h-i I ""y jj Knitilerl hy 115 I'l i I I Vjj Ijljfl "'!t-! in ti.ui-Ir"rr. C V iSLlF msi'V- in b x. n:i l- Ml I dock. rlo-.blf- V I'lJ 'OP.MSl-i e.,-1 fly' 1 1 , Va- front st. ;n IUI writ a.-, h.isiruv.:-- NO n.l !rrs suits at ' C rrs..njib! ,rior-s. SUITS TO ORDER, $25.00. CALL ON US AT 235 MAIN ST. Established 1373 BUCKLE & SON TAILORS AND WOOLEN DRAPERS A HOUSE i i That is not properly heated and ventilated ven-tilated is net jxio-lern. , Defective prjmbin?: and gas fitting1 are the causes of many diseases. To insure agp.inst all tiiese troubles send your order to ' P. J. MORAN W.iterTvorks Constrnction Board ..of Trade Building Salt Lake City, Utah, j COLOR ARTISTIC SCHEMES. SIGNS. I) IH1 MMii !!M 25 West 1st South, fe'ephone 1063. Furnisher of rirst Rate Paints S) Painters I CCOCOCOCOO OOCGOOOCaDOvXXDCOOOCODCCO ! f LI &BKEM ! O 53 West 2nd South. 8 ? T". .yinllL ; 8 Special Agent for, Diamond, Tel. 493. OCCOOOOOOCX CXXXXOCOCCCCOOCOCOCCCCQO |