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Show ALL AROUXD IRELAXD. It is announced that Mr., Balfour will 'shortly visit Ireland. - '' ' A Galway trawler was destroyed by fire on Sunday Sun-day night. 1 Resolutions come from various quarters deploring deplor-ing William O'Brien's resignation, and asking him to reconsider his decision. The Dublin Fusiliers arrived at Queenstown on Monday, after niany years' absence on foreign service. 1 ..- - 4 At the meeting of the Waterford Xo. 1 district dis-trict council a letter was read to the effect that the lord lieutenant has intimated his intention of reappointing the commission into the proposed free bridge. At a meeting of the Derry magistrates on Thursday it was decided to draft extra police into the city in connection with the strike on the Lough Swilly railway. , . . Granard Board of Guardians on Monday discussed dis-cussed the mismissal of the master and the appointment ap-pointment of his successor, and refused to hand over the stock to the new master. ' . . Colonel Saunderson, M. P., speaking at Por-ladown Por-ladown on Thursday, said if they could prevent it they would that they objejeted to the British taxpayer paying his money to "establish a priests' university in Ireland. If the government proposed ! such a bill they would. leave the party. - Attempted outrages are reported -on the Londonderry Lon-donderry & Lough Swilly ' railway, on which a strike exists. On Monday it was found that Sunday Sun-day night's train from Carndonagh had passed over a heavy piece of timber, cutting it in three. Xo arrests have been made. E. J. MeCormack, Thurles, who for thirteen years was a valued member of the Thurles Urban council, died on Wednesday. Mr. MeCormack was proprietor of an extensive and fashionable millinery mil-linery establishment in the town of Thurles, where he was universally liked. John Loughran, 23 years of age, on Tuesday shot his father and mother, who were asleep in bed, at Ballycastle, Belfast, and then turned the pistol on himself, inflicting a fatal wound.' Though seriously injured, they are progressing favorably. At the inquest on John Loughran a verdict of suicide sui-cide during temporary insanity was returned. 4 , . ; The friends, especially in Bary boro', where he lived for a number of years, of the Rev. J. Harris, Adm.. of Carlow, will be sorry to learn that he is suffering from blood poisoning and is seriously ill. ' , - f- .. The election of a member of parliament for West Belfast took place recently. The Tory candidate can-didate won, receiving 3,012 votes, while Patrick Dcmpsey, Xationalist, polled 3,671 votes. In the Carmelite Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Dclgany, recently, the third daughter daugh-ter of the late Edward Devey of Landscape, Water-ford, Water-ford, whose name in religion is .Sister Mary of the Incarnation, received the white veil. - 4 A meeting of the tenants on the estate of Miss Jane Kirk was held at Crossdened, near Keady, on Xov. 3, and it was unanimously resolved to "send a deputation to the agent with a proposition to buy their holdings. . - 4 Mrs. Margaret Brennan, mother of Rev. James Brennan, curate of Slieverue, and sister of the late Rev. Daniel Brennan, pastor of Kilmacow died' on Oct. 30 at the residence of th-j first' named ( priest. ' . " ' : - ' |