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Show 'iOlMiMELL ? C2. Undertakers and Embalmers. Metropolitan Hotel Block. 269 R. WEST TEMPLE STREET. ' Telephone 530. SALT LAKE CITT. f COLOR ARTISTIC SCHEMES. SIGNS. 25 West 1st South. Telephone 1063. furnisher of First Rate Paints Z Painters r 1 ' ERSKINE ' BROS. . s - & (JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO 53 West First South. Telephone 029-X AN ALL YEAR ATTRACTION. j The Sanitarium Baths $150,000 Bathing Institution. NATURAL HOT SULPHUR WATER. Just as It comes from earth, healing all the ailments of mankind. Located in the heart of business district, just a few rods from all hotels. ' TWO IMMENSE SWIMMING POOLS. PLUNGES. All 2 CeiltS .BATHS! Only Gents' Turkish Bath in City. Ladles' Turkish Bath. Hairdressing and Manicuring. Chiropody. Finest in the City. Open Day and Niflht. THE SANITARIUM BATHS 51-54 West Third South, Salt Lake City, When in Need of SHOES See a jres Co. 124 Main St. U p " j L-Ij Is Produced By What We Eat Life prolonged by u?ing sound, healthy food. Good bread is the most essential article of food. You can have the very best every day by telc-phoniDg to the MODEL STEAM BAKERY G. A. FRTDEL, P.oprinor. j Telephone J ' I n wmi r I WW. UP E Is spent at the dining table. There you should look pleasant, be pleasant and pleased. Our line of silver tableware la conducive to pleasure and It Is not expensive. We have a new line of both plated and solid, and can suit every fancy and every purse. We have also a fine line- of Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry Mail orders filled th day of receipt. JEWELER. SuecefBor to Joslln & Park. SALT LAKE, UTAH. DENVER, COLO. Established 1S62. Mail orders a specialty. Booklet free by mail, If requested. Edward McQurrlm Mimmm as CELIt. Suites 207-10 Security -Trust Building. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. J. F. BENNETT, W. J. BENNETT. , Pres. and Mgr. Sec. and Treas! Bennett V Glass f Paint Co. Successors to Sears Glass and Paint Co. 67 West First South. Salt Lake Gity. Carry th largest and most complete stock a the west. ! Tailor Made Man Is the one whota an artistic tailor gives style and elegance ele-gance to, which h possibly do?s not possess without his aid. The swell dresser can hav his tast3 fully gratified by us in . rich, stylish overcoats over-coats in handsome colorings, and made in box, paddock. pad-dock. doubl-breasted doubl-breasted and fly front styles, as well as business and dress suits at ' Cf reasonable prices. SUITS TO ORDER, $25.00. CALL ON US AT 235 MAIN ST. Established 1873 BUCKLE & SON TAILORS AND "WOOLEN DRAPERS "Success is our Motto" If y.ou want good work and best sanitary results, send for : ;: X J- FflRKCLL I Phone 1205-k 3'35 South Main Street Q I ' tyJi' 'f'ljif V Aptly describes the tender, juicy, fine, flavored sirloin O I 6 ft-y-f rCV ?-iiv':i "teaks we furnish. J.'t of other good things in th Q I O fSf"V-'" j.V'-;'1,'?i meat line, too roasts vf beef, lamb and mutton; tur- X i X li-' ' J fv''"''" keys, chickens, game; ham. fresh and cured, etc., etc " Q f 0 Jv'.!'"-.:fc . cx.--;'vW Those who know speak well of our meats. Tou will Q Q f . 1.f C 1 you try them. X I Q A - I VX,.''? TELEPHONES Q r Q J , 1' V Office. 134. Order Department. 1G9. X 1 X gY s Order Department. 946. Yard. 201. Q ; j 1 SSlllllL PMace Meat Market, : fi ". r . . . 263-265 SOUTH MAIN STREET. ; . X Q j, . jvi - THOMAS J. NIPPER, rroprieipr.-';-, '- .".'.v. .'.'.. Q ! CXXXXXXKXX)OOOOOCOOOCXXXX |