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Show SOME RECENT PUBLICATIONS. ' Of "An American Missionary." published b t! t John Murphy Company of Baltimore and .New : York, Cardinal Gibbons speaks as follows; ! "Nothing daunted by the hardships that a life in the far uort Invest must certainly !;,.! in sj,,.-.. ; i for the venturesome soul that entered its icy fiues. Father Judge hailed with delight the ro.n- ! mand to go and preach. "What I Avould particularly ak the reader to j note, is the tune of cheerfulness Avhich character- j izes the letters of Father Judge. These, w - in.iv belie -e, reflect the spirit of juy Avhich illumined j his soul ever, in spite of the dark days ef !nrd-l i; and privation through Avhich he passe!, li. rid- avc find a lesson. The true missionary's life is not one of sadness and brooding over Avhat. to the j Avorld. would seem a sad lot. His life is hidden in God. May this biography inspire other generous souls to take up the burden from Avhi'-h God ha- j called Father Judge to his reAvard. This. I think. ) is the main purpose of this book Ut Ecclcsia I"i edificationem aceipiat.' " j It is an entertaining and instructive book, treat- I ing, as it does, of the life of a saintly and lovable Jesuit father who ministered spiritually and ma- j terially, to the mad seekers for gold in the Klondike region during the height of the rush for its hidden v treasures. . Price, $1.00, net. ! The June number of "Human Life. A Magazine ' of Today," contains an interesting character scctch j of "Lawson. the Man," from the pen of that peerless peer-less delineator of men, Alfred Henry LeAvis. It is worth reading. The June number of the Catholic World fully j sustains the character of this publication as tho I foremost exponent, in America, of current topics of interest to the educated Catholic. Among if- contents are the following articles: "'The Strang Reasoning of- Bishop Doane," by Dr. John T. Creagh, of the Catholic University. The author, in his characteristically able and thorough manner, refutes the, groundless aspersions asper-sions of the Episcopal bishop concerning the Catholic Cath-olic Church's position on the diA-orce question, maintaining and demonstrating that this position haij eA'er been consistent and unequivocal. "The Mystic Body of Christ." by Father Joseph MicSorley, Avhose literary productions arc ahvay worth reading; "A Great Irish Family," in which Katharine Tynan, in her admirably interesting style, gives her readers a sketch of the great Irish family ot Fitzgerald's. "Who Is My Neighbor?" is a sketch of lite in-London's in-London's East End by Miss May F. Quinlan. "Japan and Catholicity" is an article of timelv interest from the pen of Darley Dale. Exerybody's Magazine for July is an exception-ally exception-ally meritorious publication. The publishers of fhi p almost ideal family magazine deserve much prai-e v for the evident care they exercise in exeludiix ; CA'crything that could offend the most sensitive taste from a moral standpoint both in the ld.v of the book and iu its adA-crtising section. Tbi- latest number contains one of the most, charming little stories, from the Catholic standpoint, it has . ; ever been our good fortune to read. Its title is . ; "Jerusha and Guiscppc." i , . ! "The Inquisition" is a topic of perennial inter- est, as it is so frequently cited by the euenu'cs of 1 the Church as a proof of her intolerance. It be- ,; hooves Catholics to inform themselves as to tltft I true relation of the Church to that unfortunate in- stitution. in oi'der that they may be able to in- telllgently refute the erroneous accusations con- cerning same urged against the Church by her ; traducers. Those desirous of so informing them- selves can procure much enlightenment by tho perusal of the booklet, entitled "The Inquisition published by the Catholic Truth Society of San Francisco. 1 . ! |