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Show DEATH OF FATHER MALONEY. The Gaelic movement has suffered a heavy blow through the death of Father Moloney of London, which occurred oc-curred May 24. For a great manys . years past Father Moloney was a member of the Ard Coisde'of tlue Gaelic League of London. aj.dit is largely., owing to his exertions;-.that the league' now enjoys such pow-ej-a-Vid widespread influence in the English '-capital. Of a refined, gentle disposition, he was not one to force himself into prominence promi-nence or to seek notoriety for himself for the good works which, he performed. " He was a quiet, silent Ayorker, but he t had a wonderful capacity for organ!- , zation for enforcing his. own earnest j enthusiasm into others, vand there is , no department of the .Gaelic work in j London which has not profited by his connection with it. Itvis. for his efforts ef-forts to make the Irish language once more the handmaid : of .religion that Father Moloney will best be remembered remem-bered by Gaelic leaguers. Writing . in the Freeman's Journal on March 17 about the great Irish celebration in I Westminster cathedral 'r.this year, Mr. John O'Keane, who was,, as honorable secretary of the GabliC' .League of London, Lon-don, a co-worker With Further Moloney, and in a position-,. to - speak with first hand knowledge, says: . . ; ."The man who has, ai far as I am aware, . done most' by .the best form of precept, example. -, to restore the Irish- language into the- services of the Church is Father : Moloney, the . guiding guid-ing spirit of this celebration.' ,He has been for years a : Worker , in.s.the London Lon-don Gaelic league,? and is-well . known , at the Oireachtas; and ', other - Gaelic gatherings. Since Feile - Padruig, -1901. the Irish religious celebration has, ov-ing ov-ing to his efforts, yearly been held in the Dockhead (London) Catholic church. Though of consideralle inconvenience incon-venience to him in many ways, these events were always a source of gratification grati-fication to London Gaels, we're worthy of the promoter, and, what he-valued more, of the occasion itself." It was Father Moloney, too, who organized or-ganized the series of lertures on Gregorian Gre-gorian music delivered in the Belvi-dere Belvi-dere college, Dublin, last year, and who organized .the. summer, school for the studv of the Solesmes Chant at the Isle of Wight. The Pilot. |