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Show 4 ; I Eaicst Trisb Hews ; Antrim. The marriage was solemnized on May 29 In the Church of the Holy Family, is'ewington, Belfast, by Rev. F. C. Henry, Adm., of Charles R. .Moody, of Moygarra, Whitebouse, and Ellen M'Keown, youngest daughter of the late James M'Keown, Esq., of Belfast, spirit merchant. -- The well regulated conduct of the people of Knocknacurry and the law and order which hasTrevailed, has rendered ren-dered a constabulary station there unnecessary, un-necessary, and it has been' discontinued. discon-tinued. This is the most Catholic portion por-tion of Antrim, in the centre of the "Glens." . Armagh. The following have; been chosen members mem-bers of Rural District Council No. 2. of Xewry (County Armagh):. BaJlymoyer, John Mulhol'and, H. Cooney; Forkhill, E. Nugent, M. C. Larkln;' Jonesboro, D. Finegan, J. M'Guill; Lathbirget, P. Tierney, B. Collins. AH are Nationalists. National-ists. At the election of Guardians held 1 in Lurgaji, John Fleming, J. P., and John M'Nally, prominent Catholics, were returned at the head of the poll. ; Carlow. . j The church in Killeigh is to be renovated. reno-vated. The pastor is Father O'Bierne. f In the Presentation Convent, Bag-nalstown, Bag-nalstown, recently, Kathleen Kelly, daughter of the late P. Kel'y, of Tallow, Tal-low, received the white veil. . V Cavan. 4 Mrs. Alice Gartlan, of CootehllL wid- 1 ow of Peter Gartlan, died on May 23. t The death occurred on the 2Sth ult. of John McGovern, of Gortmore, Bawn- ' boy. He was a brother of James M'Govern, clerk of the Union, of Bawn-boy. Bawn-boy. and the late Thomas M'Govern, M. P. t Clare. Mrs. .Innane, mother of P. J. Lin-nane, Lin-nane, J. P.. of Ennis, chairman of the Urban District Council, died recently. The death occurred on May 21 of Mrs. W. CVMeehan, of Ennis. . She came from one of the oldest and most re- I spec ted families in the country. Out of nearly 100 students, who presented pre-sented themselves for certificates in Irish at St. Patrick's College, Drum-con Drum-con dra., last July,-19 passed. The following fol-lowing Claremen were successful: Patrick Pat-rick Breen, Monivea; James O'Lough- : f lin, Mullagh; Michael Clune, Quin; j John Keane, Carrigaholt. !Cork. Patrick Sullivan, of Lisavankin, Skibbereen, who was evicted from his homestead in 1890, and reinstated as a care-taker, was again dispossessed on May 22. The tenants have bought the "WTiite-gate "WTiite-gate portion of the estate of Sir R. P. Fitzgerald. The townlands comprised In the estate are Lahard, Inch and Ballyvaloon. The tenants are all judi-! judi-! ial, the majority bing first term. The terms of purchase were: First I term tenants get a reduction of T.s. 6d. I in the pound (22 1-4 years' purchase), I second term tenants a reduction of 3s. 6d. (25 1-4 years' purchase). I . Derry.. Mary Archibald, aged 72 years, was i found dead in a stream at Ballywood- ock.- near Artclive, on May 29. She had I been gathering firewood. The following have been elected Poor Law Guardians in Derry: West Ward, Hugh Barr, Patrick Meenan, Mrs. : Margaret Morris; South Ward,' Wil liam Morris. Patrick M'Callon, Philip O'Hagen, Mrs. Morris for several years guardian, will henceforth have the company of her husband as a member of the board. Kerry. A man named John Breen, of Castle-Island, Castle-Island, was taken ill on May 23 and died a short time afterward. The Congested Districts Board has agreed to accept the offer of the town tenants of Bro.sna to purchase their holdings on the same terms as the agricultural tenants are receiving. Kildare. The Coiste Ceanntair, of Kildare, has chosen these officers: Father Kane, curate at Monasterevan, president; presi-dent; Rev. A. Murphy, curate at Naas, and M. M. Gleeson. national teacher, of Stratford -on-Slaney, vice presidents; J. Doyle. U. D. C, of Newbridge, treasurer; S. O'Brien, of Nurney, Kildare, Kil-dare, and J. Hough, secretaries. Tobias Miley, farmer, aged 72, died suddenly at his residence near Holly- wood on May 24 as the result of a fall, Kilkenny. I Thomas Ryan, aged 7 years, the son ! of a gardener, was drowned on May 1 25. in a quarry near Uriingford. An other boy named James Moore would also have perished but for Mary . M'ttrath. aged 9 years, who rushed into the water and grasped him as he was " sinking. Patrick Loughlin, also aged 9, seized the girl, and enabled both her and Moore to regain land. Mrs. Catherine Lee, wife of Patrick I Lee, of Callan, died on May 29. Kings. At the elections held in Edenderry, ! Patrick Lynam, Kilcumber, and ; James Shaughnessy, Leitrirn, were returned re-turned to Rural District Council No. 1. John Hackett, Knocknagalla, James Power. Clonmoyle, replace John Flood and Michael Forbes on Council ' NO. 2, and on Council No. 5 Michael Hope, i Ballyboggan, replaces William M'Na-mara. M'Na-mara. The County Council has appointed D. J. O'Mahoney, of Cork, analyjst in succession to-the late Dr. Thomas ' Woods, of Birr. He is a brother of J Miss O'Mahoney, matron of Birr fever hospital, arid of the late John O'JIa- hony, B. L. Leitrirn. John Feeley, of Screggs, C8rr1ok-on-Shannon, died on May 27. H leaves a wife. He was a brother-in-law of Joseph and Martin M'Greevy, of Dublin. Dub-lin. f A severe frost prevailed on May 22 in Carrick-on-Shannon. It destroyed the potato crop in the bogs and moors of the surrounding districts of Macroom and Leitrirn, Limerick. The Trinity quarter sessions were opened in Limerick on May 25. The judge said he was glad to find that the city continued in the peaceable and orderly state which had existed during the whole of the 11 years that he had been county court judge and long before. be-fore. The tenants have bought the estate of the Earl of Sandwich, at Crean, near Bruff, at 21 1-4 years. With the exception excep-tion of Patrick J. Hartigan, of Green-lawn, Green-lawn, they were first term tenants. Very Rev. C. M'Namara, of Bruit, was the tenants' representative in negotiations.. Longford. In the County Council elections, in Bunlahy, Peter Kiernan defeated William Wil-liam Ganly; Ballmalee, Henry Reynolds, Rey-nolds, defeated James Killane; Moyne, Peter Mulligan defeated John Mur-tagh; Mur-tagh; Forgney, James Ross, J. P., defeated de-feated Patrick Dooly. v Louth. Miss Mary Gargan, of Leggan Hall, Belewstown, daughter of the late Thomas Gargan, of Newtown House, died on May 25. She was in her 86th year. The death occurred on the 26th ult. of Mrs. Ta-affe. of Riverstown, Ardee. Patrick Finegan, of Dromin, Dun-leer, Dun-leer, formerly a teacher in the national schools.in Dromin, died recently. Donegal. The tenants have bought the agricultural agricul-tural portion of the Earl of Arran's estate at a reduction of 6s in the 1 on first-term rents and 4s in the ' 1 on second-term rents; turbary and sporting sport-ing rights have been reseved to tenants. Kathleen McDermott, third daughter of Wiliam McDermott, of Ballybofq, cattle dealer, died recently at the age of 20 years. Down. At the election of Rural District council held in Downpatrlck the following fol-lowing were elected: In Downpatrlck Division, hitherto held by the Unionists, Un-ionists, James Reid, J. P. Unionist, and two Nationalists, Richard M'Nab, J. P., and Edward M'Greevy, each received re-ceived 106 votes. The issue wa determined de-termined by lot, and two seats were captured for the Nationalists. Thirty Nationalists and 22 Unionists have been elected. The Nationalists will have a majority of 11. f- ' Henry Loughran, J. P., a Nationalist, has been reelected a member of the Urban District council of Newry. He defeated E. A. Lamb, another Nationalist. Dublin. These appointments have been made: I Rev. T Magrath, D. D., secretary to Archbishop Walsh, to be pastor of Sandymount; Rev. J. G. Mooney. curate at Ringsend, to be pastor of Ringsend; Rev. J. O'Keeffe, Adm., of the Pro-Cathedral, Dublin, to be pastor of Athy, and vicar forane of the A thy! Deanery; Rev. J. Flavin, curate, to be administer of the Pro-Cathedral, Dublin. Dub-lin. . j Sister Mary Ann of the Convent of Mercy, Dublin, daughter, of the late Richard C MacNeVin, of that city, j died on May 30. She , was 37 years' old ' and in the 16th year of her religious ! life. . - . j Martin Hughe?, of the Lodge Victoria ' Hill, Killiney, died on May 26 at an ad- i vanced age. : i Fermanagh. j A farmer named McBarron. while turf-cutting in Carrick-a-Lease, unearthed un-earthed a small- tub containing peat butter. The latter retained its color and apparent sweetness and bore the j marks of human fingers, probably those of the maker, who made it in the dim j centuries gone before. I Galway. . . . A collection in aid of the Irish Parliamentary Parlia-mentary Fund was taken up in Bally-gar, Bally-gar, on June 4. The following were the collectors: M. Wall, P. M'Donnell, J. M'Donnell, M. Kelly. J. Kellv, A. Kenny, J. Nolan, M. Farrell, L. Martin and J. Crehan. 4 Bartley Rutledge, of M&heramore. secretary of, the Glann and Oughterard Branch of the United Irish league, was arrested on May 19. charged with writing writ-ing a Itter to Patrick O'Toole, J. P., of Lettermore, commanding him to surrender sur-render a grazing farm which he holds at Glann. Rutledge was released on bail. County Councillor J. H. Joyce and Rural District Councillor Michael Walsh acted as his sureties. Mayo. " The death occurred on May 29 at the Bank of Ireland, Ballinrobe, of Mrs. Ellen Allen, wife of Thomas Allen. ' ....... Patrick Burns, one; of the town tenants ten-ants of Ballaghadeeran, was recently proceeded against by ejectment process at the suit of a middleman. The case was listed to be heard at the Boyle quarter sessions on May 26. - On the previous evening news was received that the case had t been withdrawn. Preparations were made by c elebrating the victory- The local brass, band was asked to turn out, but some of the bandsmen being sons of middlemen, that project was abandoned-. ' The police po-lice were In full force, but despite their vigilance tar barrels were llghtr ed in the principal thoroughfares. Meath. Mrs. Mary Madden of Aughersken, Drumree. widow of Michael Madden, died on May 30. 4- The death occurred on May 29 of Patrick Pat-rick Downes. eldest son of the late Christopher Downes of Kiltale. f j Mary Connell, matron of the workhouse work-house in Kells. eldest daughter of the late Edward Connell of Kilbride, died on the 30th ult. Monaghan. , Thomas McMahon, of ?eskin. Kil-leevan, Kil-leevan, who was almost 100 years old, i 1 ; died on May 20. He never had been : known to suffer from illness and had not a. gray hair on his head. The following have been elected members mem-bers of the rural district council of j Clones: Drummuliy. George Carleton, ; Clonkeelan: James Hyde. Amaghram; Newbliss, Michael Duffy, Newbliss; Joseph Jo-seph Maguire, Coolnalong. Queens. A branch of the Gaelic league has been fdVmed in Portarlington with these officers: President. Father O'Leary, pastor: deputy chairman. P. T. McGinley; vice president. Father Brophy, curate; secretary. J. McMa-nus; McMa-nus; assistant secretary, Mr. Wright; treasurer, Mr. Burke. f It is rumored that a branch of the Hibernian bank is about to be established estab-lished in Maryborough. Roscommon. At the quarter sessions held in Roscommon Ros-common on May 20. decrees for rent were obtained against these tenants of Henry Degan: Edward Connor, John Nolan and James Barlow, all of Cloon-shaughtena. Cloon-shaughtena. On the Pakenham-Mahon estate the following were decreed for a half-year's interest on purchase money": Michael Hester, Cloonbard; Martin Oats, Patrick Glynn, Deerpark; Mary Coare, Tully; iThomas Hanly, Corlls; Conor Concannon, Cashelnagoll; Michael Connor, Deerpark. On the estate es-tate of E. W. S. Willis, Redmond Kelly, Kel-ly, Churchquarter. and John Ganly, Carragh's West, were decreed for rent. Sligo. Contributions to the parliamentary fund have been made as follows by nationalists of Keash: Rev. D. J. O'Grady. pastor, 1; Richard Gorman, Gor-man, 10s; J. M. Cryan,, J, P., 5s; Luke Hannon, Joseph Conroy, Patrick Benson, John Breheny; Michael Gray, D. C; P. Deignan, Dominick Crofton, J. Cryan, Michael Keveney, Thomas Benson, Matthew Lavin, Mrs. Mary Keelty, M. Healy, D. C; John McDermott, McDer-mott, Martin Brennan, John Hogg, T. Flynn, Edward Crofton, Michael Ber-man, Ber-man, 2s each. f At Mullaghmore on May 2S the seaside sea-side lodge of J. H. Kincaid, agent for Hon. Evelyn Ashley, landlord of the greater portion of the district,' - was burned down. ; Tipperary. The tenants have bought Lord Or monde's extensive estate around Bor-risokane Bor-risokane and Cloughjordan at twenty-years' twenty-years' purchase of second term rent. All outstanding arrears were wiped out. f Captain Gibson has sold to his tenantry ten-antry the lands of Urard and Long-fordpass Long-fordpass at 22 5-16 years' purchase of first term rents. Tyrone. Three nationalists have been elected to the county council, namely: Henry Owens of Sixmileeross. T. O'Kane of Omagh and Joseph M. Doyle of Moy. Rev. Bernard Nugent, pastor of Lis-san, Lis-san, Cookstown, died on May 25. i , Waterford. Edmond O'Shea of the Hermitage, Dungarvan, died on June 2. Ho leaves a wife and family. 4 James Connolly, well known in the victualling trade in Waterford, died rather suddenly on May 13. Latterly he had been working for Mr. Flynn of Barronstrand street, and some few years ago with Mr. Furlong. Wexford. Rev. Thomas Power, C. SS. R., who was engaged at a mission in Newtown-stewart. Newtown-stewart. County Tyrone, died on June 2. He was a native of New Ross, and was born on July 14, 1845. He was ordained or-dained on March 22, 1868. On Sunday, May 28, an imposing demonstration dem-onstration took place at Enniscorthy, when the foundation stone of the memorial me-morial which it is proposed to erect to the insurgents who fell at the battle of Vinegar hill was laid. The day was the 107th anniversary of the capture of the town by the peasant soldiers, an event which preceded their defeat at Vinegar hill. Sir Thomas Grattan Esmonde, M. P.. laid the stone, and Michael Davitt made an address. Wicklow. At the Royal university's second examination ex-amination in the faculty of medicine, held recently, W. D. O'Kelly of Bal-tinglass Bal-tinglass was awarded a 15 exhibition and was the only student in his class In all Ireland to secure honors. Mr. O'Kelly O'Kel-ly is a son of E. P. O'Kelly, J. p., chairman chair-man of the county council. John O'Brien, a, well known trader of Dunlavin, recently received, per Father Fa-ther Maxwell, parish . priest, 100. as restitution arising out of a transaction that occurred thirty-eight years ago. Mr. O'Brien handed to Father Maxwell 50 to erect a railing and entrance gate for the parish church. An Answer. Through the long, dark night she watched beside her dead: "Grant me a sign, O God of life and light! Lest in the ocean of despair and dread My lost soul sink tonight!" Then in the east the dewy roses stirred; A soft breath crept amid the whispering--corn; And the sweet shrillness, of the piping bird Hailed the awaking morn! Mary Elizabeth Blake, in Rosary Magazine. |