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Show classified! 1 " IBIIill Will n ! LOST Small red pig about G weeks old. Finder please notify this office. it adv SMOKE YOUR OWN MEAT Use Wright's Liquid Smoke', it's easy and docs the work. R. V. Daniels Drug Co. feb.-8-15ndv FOR SALE Good choice pure bred Duroc Boars, ready for serlvce. Also a number of good sows. Apply to Turner & Hawkins, Corlnno, Utah. 125-fl5-adv. Open all tho tlmo from Dec. 1 to Aprl' 1. Spanglor's Photo Studio, Tremonton. rt5-tf-adv SMOKE YOUR OWN MEAT--Use Wright's Liquid Smoko, it's easy and does tho work. R. V. Daniels Drug Co. feb.-8-15adv 1 FLOWERS Always at Weber (Floral Co., Ogden. Funeral 'sprays $1.00 up; standing designs de-signs $2.50 up. Phono four-one-O, whero tho flowers grow, a-5 I 0 Full lino of now and up-to-dato Spring Suits, Hats and 'Dresses. Also a beautiful assortment as-sortment of House Dresses and Aprons. Garland Mllllnory & Ladies' Furnishings Co. 2t j Would like to buy from owner, 40 to 80-acro. farm with houso and Improvements; price not to exceed $12,000; one-half to bo paid down,, terms on balance Want farm located near Sugar factory or beet dump. Address Geo. A. Bcal, Moore, Idaho. m22 ' o FOUND At tho Palace, broach with raised letter A -? gold. Owner can get same by paying 20c for this adv. It o HOGS Highest market price paid for feeder or, fat hogs. Will recclvo them any day at my yards In Colllnston. You cannot afford to sell your hogs until you get in touch with the best market prices. G. G. Sweeten, tho Hvo merchant of Collins-ton.' Collins-ton.' Mch 8-15-ndv., FOR SALE Two well broko work teams and ono young driving team; also about 400 bushels of first class seed oats. Apply to J. W. Burns, at tho Wheclon Farm', 7 miles south of Tremonton. inch 15-22 WANTED! Men and teams, also slngho-handed men for general gen-eral farm work at Riverside and Fielding, and for reclamation work at Corlnne. For terms, wages, etc., apply to Charles Munns of Garland, or M. A. Gam of Flojdlng. 3t Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. I SHOES! SHOES! I Mm Y0U WILL S00N DISCARD Y0UR RUBBERS AND U M I Hii OVERSHOES. WE HAVE HUNDREDS OF PAIRS NOW ON U H I. n H SALE STEP IN AND 6EE FOR YOURSELF THE VALUES U H ; H U WE ARE OFFERING. YOU WILL SAVE NEARLY ONE HALF U H j U ON YOUR PURCHASES U U I H GROCERIES SOLD AT THE USUAL LOW PRICES. H I A "fin iM ill" IT ALWAYS PAYS TO TRADE AT 1 B H I B THE GOLDEN RULE TORE H I y Morris Abramson1Prc GarlaniUtaK.. H ML3jjj y " zy. '.u' ..1..Z Do your full duty by holding the War Savings Stamps after you buy them. The government receives no ' benefit If you Immediately demand re- ' deniptlon. Buy all you can. Keep ' what von huv ! Continue to lend Uncle Sam your money. The security Is the safest In the world. The Investment Is profit- ! able. Take all the War Savings ; Stamps you ran. lie ready to subscribe ; when tho Victory Liberty Loan Is ot- ; fered. ; Dont torgol that the war bills must ' be paid. Keep you" War Sayings ! Stamps nnd buy more ! Glass Is Thinking of Fifth-Loan Are You? . "I say that it takes a higher ! type or patriotism to serve this ' nation today that It required In the delirium ot war, and that It Is the duty of the American people, ; and 1 believe they will regard It ', as their privilege, to approach ; that question with some degree of ; patriotism and sot altogether upon ; a commercial basis," I Secretary of the Treasury Car- J tor Qlass. ' J "Thero never was a tlmo In the his- J tory of tho United States when the ut- most possible stimulation ot the sav- ; Ing'hablt meant so much fo Individual. 4 "and national prosperity as It does ijow," Kimer II. Youngman, editor of "The Flankers' Slagailne." j Garland Cafe a good place to EAT meals at aH hours. MRS.G.S. V Y, Prop. Gntlnm h. Garland Milling Company Com-pany Manufacturers of the Famous PRIDE OF UTAH Straight Gratlw FLOUR -Also nil kinds of Mill Stuff The best mill in the Bear River Valley Highust ensh vvuiu nuid foi GOOD WHEAT. Wheat accepted ac-cepted for storage to lie druwu out iu flour. NEAR TUB DEPOT Garland; - - Utah WM. . DAVIS j LAWYER Practices in all Courts j First Natioual Bauk Bldg j BRIGHAM. UTAH j Hadley's GARAGE and LIVERY Trcmoutou, Utah Phouc 18 Cars at all times for a8 seuger Traffic to all parts of the county. Automobiles repaired and cared for hy the day or veek UssoI'MC, Oils and Mippllca '1 Clothes Cleaned, H Pressed and I H Repaired I H Coombs & Persson H Company H THE CLOTHIERS H Tremonton I Furniture Co. LICENSED EMBALMERS AND Undertakers Full and Complete Line H Caskets and Goods. I Tremonton, Utah -H SLNight Phoi)L'-,'i9-o-3' H HOZEJL I Garland, Utah I 0. L. Farnswonh. Manager, STRICTLY MODERN I With Pure Mountain Water, hot or. cold Run on the European ' Ian. With Best of Service MEAL HOURS I 7 to 9 a.m. 12 to 2 p.m. 6 to 9 p.m. SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK H Room, 75c and $1. With Bath, 51.50 H It will pay you lo make this place your homo while In the city. E. GETZ I EYESIGHT I SPECIALIST . Permanently Located H I have the oxperionco and training, together with all mo- H dern equipment for properly H testing the eyes. HONEST TREATMENT PRICES REASONABLE M Tremonton. ... Utah -T ..? H ATTENTION! I FARMERS I Collar Pads I 70c ! EACH I Gar I an d IVI or oft n til a Go, 1 I HOME OF RED PEP " I ; We operate three stores and our advantage In baying is your; : H ; saving. H i PljlONE NO. SIX GARLAND.-UTAR. i H |