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Show "ABE" MAJORS AGAIN I INPENITENTIARY Los Angeles, Cal., Mch. 7.- I Abraham R. Majors, who was I pardoned January 25, from Uio Utah penltenUary for tho mur- H der of Captain William A. Brown of tho Ogden pollco department, I April 30, 3S99, Is in tho Los An- geles city Jail on charges of bur- glary and perjury. Major's nr- rest followed his attempt to soil stolen Jewelry. Ho Is Bald to havo arrived at Los Angeles last H December, following his parole more than a year ago, and was under tho nnmo of James Wilson Two suit cases, crammed with Jewelry stolon from fashionable Los Angeles residences during tho last thrco weeks, wero found Wm in .Major's room by city detec- H tives. A sack of gold and silv- er, crudely molted, and valued nt H more than $1,000, was found in a flreplaco. Two oUior suit cases, full of stolen goods and H papers which established MaJ- or's Identity, wero discovered by H detectives In a second room used H by him. Leon Saulard, a wait- H er, arrested with Major's, oon- fessed ho and tho Utah man hnd committed more than 20 burglaries during tho last two months, tho police claim. |