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Show ' ; VICTORY LOAN QUOTA NOT TO . HINGE ON W. S. S. Failure of Some Districts to Reapportion Causes Change in Plans Victory Liberty Loan quotas will not bo nffected by Thrift Stamp Balos as planned by tho Treasury Department tho first of tho year. It was announced last January by Lewis D. Franklin, director of war savings, that whorovor Thrift Stamp quotas woro oxceoded tho amount of oversubscription would bo tnlten from tho coming loan quota I nnd that If tho Thrift Stamp quotas . woro not reached tho doflclency would ( bo addod to tho loan quota. , Governor James K. Lynch of tho Vcdoral Itonorvo Dank has just rccqlvcd a telegram from Washington ndvislng that tho plan to adjust Victory Vic-tory Loan quotas In accordance with tho solo of War Savings Stamps has been abandoned. Tho reason given wns that somo of tho Federal Kcserve Districts woro not reapportioning Thrift Stamp quotas. |