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Show Shooting Into Space. The question of whether It would ever be possible to shoot a projectile Into space, that Is to sny entirely ofT the earth, has long been tho subject of discussion. In a detailed scientific paper on the German long-ranged gun which bombarded Paris last spring, Major J. Mattland-Addlson, writing In the Journnl of the Itoyal Arttlk-ry. says the requisite velocity of such a gun Is not so very much higher thnn what has already been achieved; viz., a muzzle velocity of a mile per second, When we are able to Increase this to tlve miles per second, the projectile, If fired nt a kultablo angle, will travel nround the earth as a grazing satellite,. completing Its orbit between 17 and 18' times dnlly. With u velocity of about seven miles a second, It will move ofl Into spnee, never to return. |