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Show TREATY OF PEACE TO BE SIGNEDIN APRIL DRAFT WILL. DE READY BY END OF MONTH, DECLARES BRITISH PREMIER. When Germans Are Summoned to Paris, They Will be Invited to Sign the Treaty Without Any Discussion. London. Premier Lloyd George nnd Foreign Secretary Halfoiir hnvo sent word (o their colleagues hero that (lie penco conference has nearly completed complet-ed lis work, Hie levelling News unys It understands. Tho draft of the peace treaty already has been finished and will bo signed before tb end' of March. When tlio Oermiius nro summoned to Paris, tho Nows uilds, tho treaty will be read to them and they will be Invited to sign It. Thero will bo no discussion with n view (o alterations of the principal articles of tliu treaty. If It Is thought necessary, questions Involving tho adjustment of details will, he referred to a special commission. commis-sion. The decisions of tho various bniin-tliii'V bniin-tliii'V commissions of tho pence conference con-ference nro being framed In accordance accord-ance with the Instructions of the supremo su-premo council for speedy action by tho conference and It Is expected that nil the reports will bo completed by the cud of tho week. The commissions have been told that when they could not agree they should submit the reports' re-ports' of various viewpoints, leaving It to the council to niako a decision. . The American members, It Is reported, re-ported, have been coldly Judicial nnd without favoritism, thereby Incurring criticisms from partisan claimants almost al-most dally. The decision of tho council lo limit (icrmnny to a volunteer twelve-year nrmy Is regnrded by tho Americans ns likely to lend to consideration by tho League of Nations, when It takes up (ho subject of the limitations of anna-, nients', of the policy of it general prohibition pro-hibition of conscription armies In nil nations. This Is on (ho theory that tho great expense of regular long-term long-term armies will bo such ns to automatically auto-matically keep down militarism. |