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Show PERSHING PJNS "1, HERO MEDAL ON CHINESE YOUTH Sing Kee Sticks to His Post Under Heavy Fire. Hero Is a text book cn Americanism American-ism written In Chlnoso charnctor and translated for uso on tho day noxt month when a Liberty Loan saloBinan tacklos you to do your duty, It Is an official American communique: "Pvt. Sing Kee, Infantry. Chung Kee, father, CO I North Fourth street, Son Joso, Calif. 'For oxtraordlnnry horqlsm In action at Mont Notre Damo, west of Flsmos, Franco, August Aug-ust 14, 15. 1918. f Pvt. Kc, although icrfounlv passed during shelling by high ov'oslvo nnd gas shells, refused re-fused lo be evacuated, and continued, practically slnglo-handed, by his own Inltlatlvo to operate tho regimental message centor relay tntlon nt Mont N'otro Damo. Throughout tho critical period Pvt. Keo showed oxtraordlnnry hurolsm, high courage, mid persistent devotion to duty nnd totally, disregarded disre-garded all porsonal dangor. Ily his determination ho materially aided his' regimental commander In 'communicating 'communicat-ing with tho front lino.'" Sing Kcu wears tho Distinguished , Sorvlco Modal of, tho United States of America. Sing Koo Is for Amorlca for hor onough to lay down his llfo, Aro you . for America? Aro you as good a man as Slug Koo? Thon buy of tho Victory Llborty Loan to tho limit. |