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Show I LOCAL HAPPENINGS Next Monday is St Patrick's H day. I P. E. King went to Salt Lako H last Sunday. I Mrs. It. T. Shaw was ti Logan H visitor Wednesday. H. 9 Bishop Charles Munns was in ' Salt Lako on business Wednes- day. I A. .A. Capenor of Riverside, H was a passenger to Briglmm H City last Saturday. H Q. C. Ilymcr and wlfo went to H, Salt Lako Wednesday to attend ' the grand Auto Show. K J. L. Nihart left last Saturday A for Buhl, Idaho, to visit rolatives and look the country over. I Mrs. George B. Hughes and children spent a few days of this H week with relatives and friends H in Mcndon. I Arthur Felslcd and Earl Evans H returned last Saturday from a H three weeks' sojourn in the stato of California. H Mrs. Gcorgo D. Robinson H spent last Saturday and Sunday H with her daughter in Ogden, Mrs C. E. Wilson. H Olo Peterson of Fielding gave H the Globo ofilce a pleasant call H whllo in our city on business Wednesday of this week. H Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reeves H returned homo Wednesday H Mr. Rcovcs from Butto, Mont., H and Mrs. Reeves from Brlgliam. I Mr. and Mrs. Ben Abramson and baby of "Tho Toggery," H Brlgliam City, were here Tues- day as guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Abramson. Hf?' Sailor Boy Irvin G. Smith rc- i turned to the Battleship Glacier b Wednesday. Ho was accom- E panlcd as far as Salt Lako by hie HI brother, Iloraco Smith. HP Weather condition Indlcnto Hg that the "ground-hog" story and H; tho tradition of "March coming in likQ a lion nnd going out like a . lamb" is of the "pipe-dream" H nature. Wo aro of the, opinion H that tho ground-hog gobbled up H th lamb and that tho weather H tnnnn has gone to tho Hun H trenches and won't return with H spring until about July 4 th. H Soldier Boy Charlie J. Munns H arrived homo Tuesday of this H week, lookIng.vcll and feeling H ilno. His duties were in tho Air H Service nnd lias had qulto a H number of "slcyward" trips. He H nvaB first in scrvico at 'Ft. Dou- H las and whllojn tho scrvico for Uncle Sam ho was transferred several times, going to Kellyfleld, Texas, Selfrldgo Field. Michigan, Wilbur Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, nnd received h(s discharge at Fort Logan, Colorado. Mrs. W. F. Perssou was a passenger pas-senger to Salt Lako City Tuesday. Tues-day. Cashier R. L. Bush of tho Gar-jaud Gar-jaud ofllco of tho Utah-Idaho Sugar Co., was in the stato capital on business connected with tho company Monday and Tuesday. Master Mechanic Josepli A. Cutler, who has been in thojom-ploy thojom-ploy of tho Garland Sugar factory, fac-tory, has been transferred to Blackfoot, Idaho, and loft Thursday for duty there. Mrs. J. C. Wheclon returned to Twin Falls, Idaho, Monday, after spending'a week or more on the Whcelon Farm supervising supervis-ing and plnnnlng spring improvements. im-provements. Tho farm is now In chargo of her son-in-law, J. W. Bums. n i Miss Thehna Mooro returned Monday from a two weeks' sojourn so-journ in Ogden. Her mother, Mrs. McMurtrlc, underwent a delicate operation at tho Deo hospital in Ogden Tuesday of last week and is now favorably recovering. o Elders Parker Vanfleet and, Wallaco Wlso went to Salt Lake City Inst Sunday and ' departed from thero Wednesday night for tho cast to do missionary duty. Mrs. Vanfleet, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wise accompanied them to Salt Lake. I Supt T. II. Edwards and family fam-ily left Wednesday for Spanish Fork where they will make tliclr future homo. Wallls Edwards will return to this city again in about ten days and will then mako errangemcnts to move his wife to Spanish Fork to reside. Why, work for others when you can mako 8G-"Scientlflc I Wonders" at homo that cost ' you only $1.00 and retails out for $'10.10? Something now and sells to everybody. This is your chance to get off that small pay roll. Send stamp to A-Box 142, Ocean Park, California. It Supt. Charlie Edwards of the Garland Sugar Factory, left tho first of Uiis week for North Yakima, Washington, to assist his wlfo and children In packing their household goods for shipment ship-ment to this city whero they aro coming to reside. Mr. Edwards will also assist tho wives of Jos. II. Kirkham and Eugene Bono In making the niovo here, their husbands now being employed at the Garland Sugar Factory. If you don't get tho Globe, you'll know the reason when wo tell you again that It must bo paid for In advanpo. Many of our readers liavo made good with tho advanced 'payment, yet there aro qulto a number who havo failed to scttlo past dues and advance tho S2.C2. Tho commander of tho U. S. Naval recruiting station at Salt Lako City, advises that tho U. S. Navy is still soliciting voluntary recruits In all branches of the service. Tho age limit is from 17 to 35 years and boys under 18, must have their parent's consent Write tho recruiting ofllcor at Salt Lake City. ' |