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Show Ladies' Self-i Gulture Glut) Mrs. P. C. Petterson entertained enter-tained the L.B.-C. Club at r home on East Factory street, Friday afternoon.March 7, lOlO. President Mrs. M. Foisted pre-' pre-' siding. There wero fourteen members present, with tho vfol-lowlng vfol-lowlng named ladles as guestsof i the hostess: Mesdames Osro I Barnard, G. C. Hymer, D. jE. Manning, F. S. Peck, Ed.'N. Austin, S. C. Snider, tho Misses Hazel EdwurdB and Dorrls Perry Per-ry or Black foot, Idaho. JP Mrs. D. E. Manning gavcjfu very interesting summary of Uio topics discussed at the Peace Conference held in Salt Lake City, February 21 and 22. T A vote of thanks was extended, extend-ed, to Mrs. D.. E. Manning. , Vocal Solo Mrs. George Carter, Mrs. W. J. Carter, Vc-conipanist. Vc-conipanist. V Spring blossoms were usedas decorations. Assisting Uio hps- I tcss to Borvc delicate refreshments, refresh-ments, wero Mrs. Ed. N. Austin ' and Miss Dorrls Perry. "'- After a very pleasant social hour, Club adjourned to mcjet with Mrs. M. Abramson, March 21, 1919. .vjft MRS. DIXIE SIIELTONf ' Secretary. |