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Show LEGISLATIVE NOTES. In thu senuto on March 7, Senator Obex's hill, providing thnt elective county officers, except qounty commissioners, com-missioners, shall bo elected for four-year four-year terms ,lnstead of two, was amended amend-ed and passed on second reading. Thu bill was amended to provide for a two-year two-year term election In 11)20 nml a four-year four-year term election In 102'J und every four yeurs thorcafter. MArch 7 was' tho last day upon which bills scn( to tho governor tor action to ha actc1 upon and returned to tho leglsluturo before its adjournment. All bills sent to him later, under tho law, ho may hold In his possession and net upon 'ut his leisure after tho legislature legisla-ture adjourns. Tho senuto iimended tho house roud bond bill to Increase the bond Istftio for statu fronds from $3,000,0-K) to $1,000,000 and to reduce tho amount thnt must be expended In ench county from $7r,000 to SlKS.ooo. it also a'l-ded a'l-ded a clause requiring that all work costing moro than $25,000 and not dono by convict labor must be douo under conMict let to tho lowest bidder. In preparation for the grand "cleanup" "clean-up" nt tho finish of tho legislature, the seuatu on March 7 named a sifting commltteo to go through senato bills pending and weed out tho unimportant measures that must be -sacrificed In the closing hours of thu legislature to clear tlw road for moro Important legislation. l.eg"lslntlvo Investigation of the defunct de-funct Merchants' bnnk at Salt Lake Is under way. Tls fact was brought out when the commltteo on corporations In thu bouse Mihinlttud u report, |