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Show THE ACID TEST Provost JIarshalGoncrat Crowdor'a report ot tho work of mobilizing tho man-power ot tho nation undor tho Soloctlvo Draft Act disclosed tho rea-Jon rea-Jon why Amorlca was ablo to produce pro-duce such a tremendous quantity ot foodstuff dosplto tho drain upon tho labor of the country by tho operation ot tho draft. Tho roason was that slxty-flvo por cent of tho farm labor of the country registered for military mili-tary sorvlco was glvon deforred classification classi-fication upon agricultural grounds. Saying tho posslblo oxcoptlon of shipyard workers no other slnglo Industry In-dustry was given such consideration ns was the pursuit of farming and no class of producors was troatod moro i fairly than tho farmora. This wns right and just, yot to tho credit ot tho government. Tho war Is over as far ns tho fighting fight-ing Is concorncd and tho government turns to tho pcoplo to settle up tho bills Incurred In ending It. It expects ex-pects the farmer, Individually and as a class, to retaliate with tho "squaro deaL" Tho Victory Liborty Loan tho last of tho Liberty Loans Is coming next month. It Is going to catch tho farmer at tho wrong season. That la good, It will bo an acid tost. |