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Show I AS KXCITINO MAN IILXT. The Ci1hiiiIiis Grove Hank Robber and jMiirrierer IShUIpm Hi &iirsucr. COLUMHl'S GllOVE. 0., August 11. The chase of the bank robber and murderer mur-derer has been an exciting, although as yet an unsuccessful one. Fully l.OuO men are on ihe desperado's trail. He is however a licet runner. He stopped nt the farm house of George Bailey a few miles out of tow n to obtain a drink of water, and at several farm houses between be-tween Beaver Dam and Blufton. At Frank Freet's house a number of men were, waiting for him, but he dashed out of a corntield right among the crowd. Freet loaded his gun, but the murderer dashed into the woods and w as soon lost to view. He Wits again surrounded in Wilkinson's Wilkin-son's woods, but his nerve did not fail him, and he ran out into the open country. coun-try. He ran across a gang of men about nine hides southeast, employed by the Standard Oil company, in laying a new oil line. These men had no notion of the robbery, and when he asked for something to eat, the boys divided their lunch with him. He called at a farmhouse owned bv Mrs. Repert, who was sick in bed, and rushed into the house with a revolver in each hand. Mrs. Rupert's two daughters went into hysterics, and it is fear tl that the mother will die from the shock. The fugitive stole a valuable valu-able blooded mare from the field of David Grafted, and at 7 o'clock lasl night h'i was seen going in the direction direc-tion of Aila. It is believed by many that he bo-longs bo-longs to Mervin Kuhn's gang of hor.--. thieves, and that he is trying to reach Prospect ,()., by way of Marion. It i-suppos-d that the murderer is now secreted in a tlense forest lying ahou' half way between Ada ami Blufion The litst man who saw him was Asa Battle, livii g southeast of Blufton. William Mapl, brother of the cashier, has a bilge number of men on his trail lint wdl be unablti to smoke him out before to-day. Maple declares he will capture him. dead or alive. |