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Show SALT LAKE NEWST SensAtioii.il i)evdonent of Matrimonial Affairs. ! Mourned a Dead Nins Years and Ho Turns Up, But is Not so Unselfish as Was Enoch A-daa.-Oth3r News From the Capital. ; Salt Lake, August 10. A ease ri valing Tennyson's Enoch Ardeti w,fi elopi-d before Judge Zanc in the Third District court to-day.. From the fads brought out it seems that some J years ago Gyseppa Paggio, an Italian,! and his wife were living in Denver. They had a beautiful little daughter) and their domestic life appeared to he. ! unsullied and happy. The Ita! an, however, who lrid the loose ideas t I 4 domestic ties peculiar to the sons ot i Finnic Italy, one dav turned tin missing. This was in 1882, and after waiting for some time to I car from liim, his wife linaliv received the intelligence of his death." Then she forgot Ins faults and in pen nine sorrow mourned the death of the father of her hahv girl. It was while she was wear me the widow's weeds that she met J . C Dawliug, a stalwart master carpenter, and the acquaintance ac-quaintance linaliv nienel into love. Dawling left Denver and came on to Salt Lake, hot not until the widow had promised to inarrv him. He soon os- , " tablbhed himself in this city and be- caine assistant building inspector, a position of considerable, importance. In April 1SSS, ho started east, notil'vinir his afriane-d to meet him at Gran. I .1 unction, Col rado. She uid so vnd they were married there on Apr 1 4th, anil came direc.ly to this city where thev' have since -esid 1. a id their domestic life was as happy as that ! which Enoch Anion's wid i v aad her j second husband enjoyed. IVit (iys-t- j pa Piiggio was not dead. After si ban- 1 ioning his wife, he visited Europe .md i lived Mi re several years, and th-nh.-s! heart tit h"d again to his wife and child j i in America, and he came back once j more to this land of the free, lint the I Italian was no Enoch AHen-he did j I not look in at the window and then I turn away again forever when he! 1 learned what had transpired during! 5 1 lis absence. He promotly notified his . wife of his return, and sent, word for her to come to him to New York. There was nothing eise for her to do. I Dawling and his wife parted with a I barrier between them stronger than the I grtve. She went on to New York, and ! I Dawling brought this action to have i I his illegal marriage annulled after j I learning the facts as set out above. I Judge Zane signed the order. II? i Not a Leper. I Salt Lake, August 10. Something -j t . f a sensation was created at the City hall to dav when a police oflicer re- Torted that lie had found a leper in Chin town. Marshall louns p'omt- investigated the matter andfounl w vr v iM imc time aco h OJ-iimiu-tn - broke 'r .'J?;. ,liit filiwt anit tie treated it in the ." Oh"i:rese way, keep.iig the hand r th' ncllerf in piiiltices. When -this vas , ' hvtyeiS "the skin pealed off of the hand,' althouiili the member was all ritrht. The Celestial was seen by the officers, who at once concluded that he ' had lepersy. i Will Not A srai n be Molenled. Salt Lake, Aujrust 10. The Dis- ! patch Poney express was making its I usually wild dash for the train this I ' afternoon when a policeman arrested J the driver for reckless driving. When the nature of the cause was explained I . to Chief Younir, the rider was dis- ! charged and was given authority to !" make his trips hereafter without being be-ing molested. f Kapid Trmmlltothe Lake . I Salt Lakk. August 10. The West Side Kapid Transit company signed a ! contract by which they received $17i,- f - 000, extending t'..is line to ttie lake. This company already has a road in I operation several miles across the Jor- dn- ii rrl will Appeal. I Salt Lai,e, August 10. Charles I For 1, drum major of the Liberal band, who, on election night, brutally as-faulted as-faulted Motemrm Craw, was to-day lined 0 by Commissioner Tratt. Ford w ill take an appeal. ToSucreedCdl. lae. Salt Lake City, August 10. The Utah C'-tnmission met to-day and appointed ap-pointed W. II. Sells, son of the Secre-J Secre-J ta;y. to succed Col. 1'a-je, as registra- ition oili.-er for this city for the munici-pal munici-pal election. Arelilteet", lleport. Salt Lakk, August 10. The tx-yevl tx-yevl architects employed to examine the plans of Monheim & i. for the Joint city and county budding sent in a lavorable report lo-iiay. far he h is not ben successful and leaves for I'aris to-night lie takes wit'i b in the two wonderful dogs, presented pre-sented to Mrs. l'otterb theMikako of Japan. Ilelleu is furious about the reported' his alleged marriage with Mrs. Potter, and says she cleared over $100,000 bv her Australian tour. After Mrs. Potter reached i'arthys she re-I re-I ceived a telegram from her sister. Miss I Jennie Uiquhart, announcing her en-( gagement to Mr. Kaoul Duval, a rich I young Parisian whom she met while visiting Princess Ilatz Feldt. r,re Miss Huntington, at St. Montz. DuthFs I grandfather was commander of the legion of Honor, and he has influential influen-tial connections in France. Belleu says that the costly and unique presents pres-ents which Mrs. Potter received in Australia, Au-stralia, Japan and Ceylon would stock a big shop. - Anollier Smali-lTp. New Haven, Conn., August 0. Nine Italian laborers were seriously in-' jurecL, two fatally, in a railroad collision colli-sion near Bradford, on ths .New York. New Haven and Hartford railroad this morning. |