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Show j A Scrap Over a Livery Pill. I Kroru Tia s.aiy's rni!y. Yester..a afternoon a complaint ir;r-? made out betore Judge oon, swi v to by Will Ltavitt. in w Inch he charges John A. Lewis wiih assualt. Lis story I is to the ertect that he and another young man owed Lewis 58. for a rig "from the lixery stable and be had been ; alter the money several limes. Yester-! Yester-! day afternoon he went to the building j where the boys were at work and was : paid the money. Lewis remarked that lie wished the money had not been forthcoming so tha; he could have had a chance to w hip them both. Leavitt was at Work on a stairway, lathing. Lewis got on the steps above him and after a few words in which he called Leavitt a s of a b , ho can 'ht him by th- throat, nearly cbokinu' him. Leavitt says he was at'acked ,ith-cut ,ith-cut the least provocation. The case-w case-w ill probably come up be fore Judge Xooii to-day. |