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Show At Castilla Lust Xiffht. From Sunday's Daily. The popularity of this romantic, health and pleasure resort, is daily,; and deservedly increasing-. The in- j valid who has la-en doctoicd and dosed outof money and patience, throws physitr to the dogs and inspired u : t ! i j hope the greati st of ;ill tonics, boards ' the train and a'ter a short ride in tl ej comfortable cars of the II. G W., hears i the jiorter call oul, "(-isiilla Springs." i where Mr. Soutiiwort'i and his as- j sislants aie ever watchful for the! com I oris and convenience of the inva-j litis who patronize the ph.ee for the j I em lit of their health. j Yesterday one oungnian from Provo j went up there, evidenily in the hist j stage of dropsy, induced by heart tlic- j ease. Your conespi ndi nt sufgi sti d j to Mr. Soiithwori h, that this seemed a I hopeless case. "Uy no means,'' an-j swered the gentleman, "we have no, funerals here. Worse crses thanli:si have been cnretl here. He will be all right." This assurance is contagious, j anil add to this a hope inspired by i such confidence the really mar-j velous property of the water in these springs, and who shall : Fay what the future of th.s modern Heihesda may be. I Hut it is by no means this class of pro- i pie who prinespallyseek this place. An ounce of preveniion is worth a pound j of cure ami many seek t' is Castilhi to j bath ami rest ami enjoy the saluhr;o:.s j mountain breezes which sharpe-.-s a j person's appetite and operate like ! no tonic in battles can. to sooth and j readjust the o erst rong nerves of t lit hunt ng ami scurrying race c? to-day. i Tut! Tut ! Ah. then is fi e train, live; cars crowded with excursioii-s's. at ( least -50(1 ptople look the place as y ; storm. The crowd filled the pavilion,! the band struck up ; i waltz, and soon the gid 'y throng was trippipg the li.ht; fantastic; while otliers went for; the phi -re bath ; and you would have! thought a shoal of dolphins were dis-1 jiorting themselves in this minhitiue; lake. At midnight the crowd j broke for ' the train j which dehnel its coming for two hours ! making the crowd standi shive; ing on : the ilatform. Excejit f.-r this liU'e; circumstance, everybody set in -d to ei:-jo ei:-jo the trip. Cvcrrs. |