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Show UTAH COUNTY. Her Industrial and Commercial Commer-cial Business. The Statistics Gathered by Assessor Jos. E. Hali for the Year Ending December 31, 1890 Interesting: Data for Future Reference. County Assessor Jas. E. II, ill, of Springville, bus completed h s industrial indus-trial ami commercial siuttment of Utah county, for tne year ending De cember ol, iSi'O, and has f.irwaided il tj the tciruorial statistician, in accordance ac-cordance with the provisions of stc-lion stc-lion 6. of "an act dealing a iJurcau of Statist cs." pas.-ed Mai ch 1M. 1JS'-H. Fr. ni the report we cull the following interesting statistics: No. oi acres under cultivation during IS! 10, 40,106; No. of acres irrigated, '66.-GS0; '66.-GS0; No. of acres under enclosure lor pasture, lti.Ol'S. Eight thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven acres of w heat produced. 1 ,240. o!)t) pounds; 3,110 acres of oats produced, 4,G40. '21 pounds; 2.17J acres of corn produced, i',t)l,M57, pounds; 1,221 acres ot barley pioduci.il, 2.S!0, L'UO pounds; 203 acres of rye pro-Oueed, pro-Oueed, 3,215,10 pounds; 1 -1.320 acres of ucereue produced, 1)0,042, 360 pounds; 1.530 acres of hay produced. 20.321.6Oj pounds; 1,683 acres of potatoes pro-iuced, pro-iuced, 17,U27,040 p 'Uiuls; 22 acres ..f. Oeels produced 110,000 pounds; . 1,209 : .cres of orchards produced, 3 004, b6U pounds; 117 acres of vineyards produced, pro-duced, 163.490 pounds: 600 acres of other products produced. 3,732.406 pounds. There had been produced in Utah county tor 1S0O, 3,620 gallons of win.-', 40,057 gallons oi cider. 8,063 g ilhuis o! vinegar, 0,470 gallons of sorghum. 200.-1-V) pounds of bui ter. 10.32 pounds of cheese, 311,000 pounds of honey, 08,-022 08,-022 pounds of apples, 3,038 pounds ot peaches, 5!) pounds of aprico s, 757 pounds of plums. 202 pounds of pears, 4.000 hives ot bees. There had also been shorn 228,508 pounds of wool. On December 31st, 1801 there were in the county 4,100 milch cows. 6.043 cattle, cat-tle, 5,530 horses, 105 mules, 2 asses, 34,547 sheep, 4 goats, 1,963 sv.ine over 0 months old. American For!: Expended in Pri vate buildings, ifl7,0i)ti; expended in public buildings, $1,000; number of industries, in-dustries, 2; employing 5 hands, with an amount of wages paid out of $2,600: value of plant, .',2,000; the amount of the annual product was 1,3611,400 pounds valued atS72,2S2; valueof the ra.v material ma-terial used in this production 1 57 ,760; horse power employed, Oil; capital invested, in-vested, !j 37,000. Number .if stores 8; with a capital invested of $37,000. The amount of the annual sales for 18.:i were $165,100. Twenty hands were employed to whom !!),500 were paid out for wages. The population of American Fork is 2.300. Alpine The amount of $2 200 was expended ex-pended in private buildings at this place. There is one store in Alpine with a capital of $2,000. Two hands were employed ; wages paid $400. The population of the town 220. Benjamin Here the enterprising people peo-ple spent 1(10,000 in private bu doings, and ijOUO in public buildings. There are two stores here, which has a coin bined capital of ijO.OOt). The sales of thesi' stores amount to $1.5,000. Population Popu-lation of I5enjainiii, 500. Cedar Fort Expended $10,000 in private pri-vate buildings. Population, ISO. Clinton With a population of ISO per sons, laid out l,oU0 in puvate ouild-ings. ouild-ings. Fairfield So improvements of any mention were made here last year. The little place has a population of 120, Goxhen Expended in private buildings, build-ings, $3 000, and $300 in public build ings. There is oite store here, having a capital of $2,500, whose sales amounted amount-ed to $5,000. One hand was emploxed, to whom $600 was paid iu w ages. The population of Goshen is 650. Lehi Spent $18,000 in private and $1,800 in public buildings last year. There were four industrial concerns operating there, with sixteen hands employed, to whom 2,860 in wages were paid. The value of ti e plants were $2,150. The value of raw material mate-rial was $1,480, amounting to 9,250 pounds. The value of the annual product pro-duct was $4,080. Number of horse power pow-er employed ill running the plants of lhree industries was three, and a capital capi-tal invested of $3,100. There were rive stores in Lehi, with a capital of .74,500. The amount of sa'es b r the year were 152,100. lhirty hands were employed, to whom $17,422 were paid. The population popu-lation of Lehi is 2.950. Lake More Expended $10,000 in private buildi lgs. and $2,000 in public i buildings. She has only one store, doing business with a capit 1 of ;rl,100. Two hands sold 8,000 of goods and received $720 in wages. Population. COO. Lake View Here the people spent $6,000 in private and $2,000 in public buildings. Population, 270. PleamulGiore Expended in private buildings, $11,150. In public build-lings build-lings there was $5,000 outlayed. Tnree stores were operated with a capital of $18,500. Amount of annual sales, $53,000. Thirteen hands w ere em-1 ployed to whom $6,700 was faii in wages. Population, 2,500. 1'rovo Bench With a population of i of onlv 300. laid out $8,000 in private and $3,000 iu public buildings last year. I'roro City Here $220, 991 was spent iu private buildings above hist year and $139,800 in public improvements. The number of industrial concerns operating operat-ing in 1S9I) were 7, employing 25S hands, with an outlay of $99,S0J in wages, value of plant "$228,000. The value of raw material consumed in these industries reached $184,000, of 409.000 pounds. The value of the annual an-nual product of these industries was $250,059. The horsepower emploved w as j 14. Capitnl invested, $44l,0,)o". The ! numoer oi scores noms nusmess were 47, with a capital of $2: '0,400. Amount of annual sales reached the su n of $793,460; 138 hands were required to handle this trade, to w hom 08,250 was paid in wages. Population of Provo, 5,300. Worth $2,000. Horse power employed to run these industries, 25; capi-al invested, in-vested, $7,400. The number of stores operated last year amounted to 12; representing a capital, $114,050. The sales reached $419,500; 39 persons handle han-dle this business receiveing lor wages $20,000. Population, 3.250. Payson Here $20,000 was spt lit in private and i' 22,500 in pul lie build ;n-s. Three industries running here in 1S.0, employing 10 hands, and paying out! i-6 098 in wages. Value of plam $4,730, j Number of horse pjwer, 25. The annual j product of these industries amounted i to 15.600 pounds, worth S 27.000 The i raw material used was 10,000 worth $4,000. Capital invested in these industries, in-dustries, 5,7000. There were 19 stores doing business, with a cap'tal of !; (55,750. The annual sales amounted to S 141,500. Sixteen hands were employed, to whom $6,410 was paid in wages. Population. 2.840. P. V. Junction. Expended $400 in private buildings. Two stores are m operation, representing a capital of $11.-500. $11.-500. Amount, of annual sales, $33,000. Three hands attend to the business, receiveing $1,800 for compensation. Population, 200. ! Springritle -The sum of $26,000 was ! expended in pr vate buildings at this ! place, aud $3,000 in public buildings. Four industrial concerns were in opera- j tion, employing 16 lunds. and paving! out $3,020 in wages. Value, of plant,! was $'5.3oO. The amount of the annual product reached lO.Ooo pounds, worth.-as worth.-as many dollars. The raw nat-lialj used in this production was8,O()0. ! Spanith Fork Expanded $2.5,000 jnj private, an .,o7 450 in public buildings. I'.ut one industry w as operated here, employing three hands, and paying ,446 in wages. The value of this plant was 5,000. The amount of Hie annual an-nual product of this industry was 5,280 pounds, valued at $4,680. Hand power is engaged to operate the industry. Five stores were running in Spanish Foik in 1890, representing a capital of of $59,500. Amount of annual sales, i4o.iii 0,i'l e number of employees that conduct-'d this luisinesa was 17 to whom 8.500 was paid for wanes. Population, 3.476. Sa.'em Here the sum of $3,000 was spent in private buildings, and $2,000 j i. 1 public buildings iast year. Two s;ores, with a capital of U',""0, uave miployun lit to 0 tiaiuls. who gold goods o tne'amount oi $14,500. Wages paid these hands was 4 1,400. Population 750. Spring Lak, With a population of 117 souls, expended $4ou in private ouildings. Si, liuiti Expended $11,200 in pri- at;i biiiioings, ami !;l-70O in public ouildings. Two industries were oper-enploiig oper-enploiig y hauls, to whom $3,300 was paid in wages. Value of I t,.e phi. it, $2,000. Over 400,000 feet of lumber was turned out, valued at $48, j 000. The 1. umber of horse power re-(piirt-d to run these mills wa-. 36. San-aquin San-aquin has II ree stoies. lepres nting a capital invested ot n.750, the sales ot ; vvncti stores amounted to $19,500. I'hree ban. is were employed receiving 870 in wages. Population, 950. T'ni t Wi h only a population of 200, the enterp 1 i.vng people of tins little lit-tle burg expended $12,000 in private puddings. Tucker Here no improvements worth munt oning were made last vear. Population Popu-lation lUtC I I From Sunday's Daily. The streets in" the First Ward are in a dreadful cond'tion caused by theover-I theover-I (lowing 0 the irrigating ditches. The j citizens would be re nlv to goon their j knees to anyone who will relieve them 1 of this nuisance. j Catt. Dk Moisev of ti e Provo and j Tintic Transportation Co., says that he ! has h id pass vig-'rs every mu'uing of I Irs tri; rcros- the Ii' e. He is satis-! satis-! fn-d that the route will become popular j and prove a financial success before the ! pe;ion 's oyer. j Tin; little girl of If' rb Pvne's. w hile pla'iig around home, chanced to ! climb an :pple tree from which, she I fell, breaking h' rann. I)-. Eickfnrd ' was sunnioid d w bo set the injured member, and at last accounts the child J was resting easy. - 1 I u mends and vsifng strangers j will find il piolitable to attend the ser- I vices at the Methodist Epi copal church i to-ilav. A brief sermon at 11 a.m.; j Prnf.'i). V. Do'tivcr, of Salt Lake Citv', ; will be present at nil the service? and i speak in the interests of education at 8 i n. rn. Everybody invited. 1 - 1 EsTEftnAY afternoon the prisoners ! set up a loud veiling. Thinking something some-thing serious had happened, several perso is made a rush to the jail, only to j find that it was dinner lime, and that ; the food had been set outside the jail door. This was the cause of all tin rumpus. The prisoners wanted it inside. in-side. The resignation of Cashier Ptisen-berry. Ptisen-berry. of the First National Bank, was accepted by the directors at their meeting yesterday afternoon C. A. Glazier was appointed to till the vacancy. va-cancy. Th resignation of T.It.Cutler as vice president of the bank was also accepted and S. S. Jones appointed in his place. |