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Show SALT LAKE NEWS. Extraordinary Large Sale of Ileal Estate Made. A Prosperous Saloon Man Skips With His Creditors' Honey Other Bits from the Capital Flashed Over the Wires. Special to The Moiininc Dispatch. Salt La Kd, August 11. C. E. Want-bind, Want-bind, hind agent of the Union I'acilic, closed a big deal to-day by which a syndicate of Ccnterville citizens became be-came the owners of a tract of 7,00 acres of mountain range land east of Centerville. Mr. Wautland is now tig-uring tig-uring with another syndicate for the sale of 1 ,o0!t acres of land in Summit county and r,0Jtl acres near Kaysville, in Davis county. Took AilvantnB of Hi Credit. Salt Lake. August 11. Some mon l lis ago a fellow named II. Finktis opened a low drinking dive on West Temple street, and later he started a saloon near t!to Warm springs. He did a flourishing business at both daces, and was able to get any amount of credit. I'lukus took advantage of this, and afier standing his creditors oil' for a time, took all the cash and skipped out on Sunday. To-day his saloons were closed under an attachment obtained ob-tained by the Fisher brewing company for :,i',ooi). si 1 1 r I there are a number of uther creditors. Cfinjrreisman tiryan in Suit Lake. jiccial t t t.o Mousing Dispatch Sals Lake, August 11. Congressman Bryan, of Nebraska, arrived here to-lay, to-lay, and has consented to make an ad-Iress ad-Iress to the Democrats of Salt Like. He is the second Democrat ever elected to Congress from Nebraska. He is a graceful and forceful speaker, familiar with all the issues its with the alphabet, alpha-bet, and will charm his hearers. Congressman Con-gressman Bryan has just accepted invitations in-vitations from the state committees of lowii and Ohio to spend some t'ine in sitch state to aid the election of Boie3 and Campbell. Will Probably be Hu-1ip(I l"p. Salt Lake City, August 11, At a late hour to-night three pol e- men saw two young fellows fry to rob a miner, I on Second South street. The po'-tv j arrested the two men ai'd at the poiice ; I Station it was found that Me'inett had ; acir s-ikraiileiimouiit of money on him. ; ; The strangest feature of the case is the j fact that one of the Vo-i. !-!, tohhei i-5 j the son of a prominej ;.n l wealthy t it i-jzen. i-jzen. and tLe a.l'air w ill probably l-e hushed up. |