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Show The B. Y. Acamcdv opens up Monday. Huff, the dentist, over Pyne & Maiden's. Mai-den's. Ftaxdart) calicoes, 5 cents a yard at McEwan .V Co. Get your printing done nt The Dispatch Dis-patch job rooms. S. S. .Ionkk took a run to the capital yesterday alternoon. SrvvKK goods for ladies at less than cost at McEwan .V. Co. Foil local and telegraphic news. The Dispatch can not be beaten. John T. Feild, an employee of the Leld JJnimrr, was in the city last night. The Sun Foundry has an order for four columns to be used in the Central building. Cheapest excursion of the season via Union 1'acilie to Salt Lake and Garlield Leach. When The Dispatch gets left on local or telegraphic news, drop us a postal card. A n eke Kit ball will be tendered Prof. Tappam at the lake on Friday evening. Fou Salt Lake and Garfield Beach, August l-2tl, be sure and take the Union Pacific Just in at McEwan fc Co"i., a fine line of men's pants, bhirts and ium-mcr ium-mcr underwear. The case of assault lodged against John A. Lewis has not been heard by Judge Noon yet. Real, the notice elsewhere about excursion ex-cursion to Salt Lake and Garfield Beach via Union Pacific. The woolen mills are still running by eteam power, on account of the water being very scarce. Fifty men and learns wanted at once. Apply to S. S. Jobm V Co., I'roTo, ( tali. The Sun Foundry's new office is completed, com-pleted, and the furniture was moved in j yesterday afternoon. ; There is a very bad hole in the cul- : vert on the crossing at the junction of J and Third streets. The dance at the lake last night was n very sociable affair for those w ho attended, at-tended, and kept up until 12 o'clock. The R. G. W. section men are repairing repair-ing and cleank.g the large culvert which runs across J and Third streets. ' All empty houses and snare rooms j in the city are being engaged by academy ' students" The joyous school days draw- near. J street from the bank corner north is in a most deplorable condition with j cobble rocks, which make it almost im passible. J. W. Scott, of P. Y. Junction, is in Provo to attend the funeral of his J brother, whose death is elsewhere an nounced in these columns. Fou sale or rent, a large brick house and three city lots, with good barn, known as the property of James Dunn, for particulars applv to McEwan & Co. The City council met last night and completed the abatements and remittances remit-tances of taxes. No other business was transacted and council adjourned until Monday, August 17th, at 8 o'clock. A prominent man in town caused much mirth for the people around the depot vestyrday by his efforts to catch the east hiund" passenger train. He nn !tt"v ft for nearly a mile, signaling in vain for it to stop. Round trip to Provo Lake Rescrt, a ride on the steamer Florence, or in a row boat, and a dance in the pavilion I for seventy-five cents per couple, every Tuesday "and Saturday. Tickets will be on sale in all parts of the city. Tickets Tick-ets good for the day only. Jim Sutherland, and the barber "Shorty '' had a little row at the lake last night. It consisted chiefly of a wordy battle, however some old unpleasantness un-pleasantness between the two, although blows were attempted, but friends interfering, in-terfering, prevented a "scrap." O. II, Bero is building a two-story frame building to the rear of his present pres-ent workshop on J s'reet. The new building will be nsed for a workshop, and the one he is now occupying will be used for a store and warehouse. His increase in business caused the addition. addi-tion. The jail birds who attempted to escape es-cape on Monday alternoon while on the streets, craved pardon yesterday morning morn-ing and begged the officers not to put the shakles on them, promising never to make another break. Their request was granted and they behaved very well all day. The house being built by Richard Brereton on the corner of Twelfth and L streets is nearly completed. The structure of white brick, laid with red mortar, is a very pretty change from j red brick and white mortar. This makes one morn addition to Provo's beautiful residences. AlbuqcEP.Qce will soon issue a call for a convention to be held in that city, to be composed of delegates from all towns interested in the extension of the liio Grande road from Espanola, and also to interest 1 lenver in a scheme to construct a new gulf line by way of Albuquerque, that is by widening the gauge of the Espanola branch and extending ex-tending it over to Galveston. On August 22nd the R. G. W. will j sell excursion tickets. Provo to j Salt Lake and return, at the low rate of $1.50. Good returning to include Saturday, August 20th. Tickets, Salt Lake to Garfield Beach and return, can be had in connection at fifty cents additional. To avoid the rush at Salt Lake and ailnw vou the earliest opportunity to go to Garfield Beach secure all tickets of j B. F. Nevins, R. G. W. Agent. S. N. Slavghter, assessor and collector col-lector of Beaver county, was in Provo j vesterda? visiting his sister, Mrs. Sam Bee, of San .lose." Cab, who is at present pres-ent visiting her husband's relations. Mr. Slaughter had rot seen his sister for vears, and took tins opportunity of visiting her. It was learned from him that quite a revolution had taken place in the assessing of taxes in Beaver county. That county has been in rat her an impoverished condition fori TPars on account of the small amount of revenue. which only reached between $ld,ti(i;l and Ifll.noQ a year. This year, however, the tax amounts to nearly !oo.0oo. Mr. Slaughter left for his bom? on theji :15train Jastnight. Real Estate Transfers. Frederick Carter and wife to Nicholas Nicho-las II, Groesbeck. part of lot 2, block, I.M. A. Springville. John A. Groesbeck and wife to Nicholas Nich-olas II Groesbeck, part of Sec. 33, T 7, S R 3 E. James Thomson and w ife to James A : Jones, part of block 13, plat A, Provo. Elizabeth Davidson Lant to David Fawns, part of Sec 13, T 9, S II 1 E. Ann Clegg et al to John S Lewis, lot 4, block 91, plat A, Spanish Fork. William Roach to John A Lewis, part of Sec. 24 T 8, S R 2 E. i |