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Show Assessor ('lute's roll for hsol atnoun's to a total valuation for the city of Salt Lake of lfa7.tHi.),00,S. His salary is I'lNed ai percent. The rate of taxaf ion is o mills on the dollar. The bland and childlike assessor will net about sO.ihxi a jear tor Ids labor, lie was allowed 2i per cent, last year, but at these figures the plum would be almost too fat even for clute. The funeral services over tlif re-r.'iains re-r.'iains of B M. Roberts were held in the First ward meetinghouse on Sunday Sun-day afternoon. Remarks were made b " Elders S. S. Jones, Joseph Clark, H. id. Cluff and Bishop Johnson. Ye inappropriate in-appropriate and touching music was-rendered was-rendered by the choir. A large number num-ber accompanied (he remains to the cemetery. Bro. Roberts was a mem-Ler mem-Ler ot the Mormon Battalion ami one! of Utah's pioneers, being well respect-1 od by all who knew him. IIWIHIIflilW'lilH |