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Show 'A FATAL AFFAIR. i i . ! Jimmie Hendrickson, ot'San- i taqiiin. Killed hy Powder. I "With Other Boys, Ha Went Prowling Around th9 Saiiroad Camp, and In-! In-! dulg-ed in a Blasting- of His Own. j James Andrew Ilendricksonj the j I'ourieen-yeai-old son of Andrew llen- tii iekson of Sitntatju'n, met with a hor-! hor-! rible death Sunday alttimton. Ilen-! Ilen-! diickstut, with some other boys, went i to Goshen, or near that point, and com-! com-! lug to a cut under construction for the new ra Load, where blasting is neces-isary, neces-isary, powder was found. It appears the boys, after setting tire to some rub-! rub-! bish, concluded to do a l.ttle blasting Ion their own account. Hendrickson j had put some of the powder into his ' pocket, and by some menus not yet made clear, the powder exploded, en-j en-j velop.ng the unfortunate boy in fla'ues, ; which caused his death in a fe.v hours afler the accident. Dr. Tilsoii was summoned to attend the case, but could lender no assistance, as deal h was fast approaching on his arrival. How the railroads are slaughtering t'je people! Reed, the wounded man, is on the streets again, looking a Utile the worse lor wear, but far better than appearances appear-ances at the time of the shooting seemed to grant. It is io oe hoped that the attempt to gel the postoilice away from the present incumbent w ill prove a dismal tailnre. What, with tiie tramps and lite Indians, In-dians, it just keeps a lellow hustling to keep grub on hand. Now, catnip is supposed to be goed for cats. It is supposed that when a cat feels a little unwell, it nips the plant, hence its name catnip. I have noticed, however, lb tt a cat, no matter how badly it may feel, will turn tail at sight of the supposed cure-all, but it may be that it is the cat's method of doing good unto itself; but we have a Liberal here who despises the cat method, for he says he would debate wi h Jesus Christ if he met him on the streets. There is more veneration in that Liberal than in a cat, and such an expression of confidence by the tongue method is enough to satisfy any uian, or a cat either, for that matter, thai turning tail will never, no never, be charged to the short-comings of the aforesaid Liberal. O, well, he feels a little unwell since the election, and I actually believe that a little catnip taken in cat fashion would stimulate his system to it healthy energy and would work ntF the bile so eminently manifested in his heart strings. and the other muscles of that part of himself so fearfully and wonderfully made. Yet. |