Show city council in session the city council held its regular semi monthly meeting last friday evening all members being in attend ance A communication from the eureka miners union asking that the city give the union some assistance in the coming labor day celebration was filed to be taken up at the next regu lar meeting on the west side of church street the pipe line was reported to be in bad condition and the committee recommended that the be instructed to put in a new line for a distance of about feet councilman bomen bow en the chairman of the committee on city property 3 submitted a report regarding the con of the city cemetery and re co mended that the city sexton be in strutted ted to make some needed im prove ments the report mas a signed by councilmen bowen nelson and zabriskie and was nas accepted councilman zabriskie of the fire and water committee recommended that some changes be made in the fire ime line at the school buildings and later made a motion that the water master put a 2 inch line to the old school building this thi motion which was supported by councilman nelson carried and the new line will be put in george W riter of the eureka hill mining company was present at the meeting of the council and stated that his company v a as willing to give the city cit a renewal of the present water contract extending the life of the contract three 3 ears the matter will be closed up as soon as the mm min ing company submits a new contract at the time the utah independent telephone co was granted its fran chise in 1906 this franchise m was as not put upon the minute book of the city council and now it appears that the company is anxious to have this fran chise upon the book presumably be cause they are preparing to raise the rates here at friday night s meeting the telephone company submitted a communication the substance of which was that the city council in the present city recorder to put this franchise upon the minutes where it properly belongs but instead of doing this the council referred the matter to the committee upon laws and the city attorney it is very evident that the city officers do not approve of the utah independent telephone co s effort to raise the rates here |