Show mining notes J C mcchrystal returned on mon day after a visit at bait salt lake J 0 jeneen jensen the east cast mining operator has purchased a seat upon the mining exchange N A robertson of salt lake was here and at robinson on mining business last friday and saturday manager A N holdaway returned from provo on sunday and is now devoting his time to the sioux cons C E alien allen returned to the capital on tuesday after spending a couple of daa da a at the centennial eureka mine R A brown superintendent at the centennial eureka mine returned on monday after a visit with his family at the capital the colorado company is reported to have taken out worth of ore without cutting out a hole in the ore body larger than feet jackson jaclson mcchrystal and phil dark clark spent a few days in west gintic this week they went ent out to examine some mining property but did biot t ot forget to take their shot guna guns john davis an old time tintic gintic prospector proa who has been making his home at the capital for the past few years has been here tor for a week look ing after his interests in north gintic P J fennell and andrew matson returned on tuesday from the chero kee nevada property at keiths nev they brought some nice samples of the ore which was recently ered in the shaft jesse cannon a broker visited the sioux cons and upon his return to the capital stated that the mine was surel surely a winner the ore opened up above the level is identically the same as all that exposed in the colorado captain george T bridges and james If mcpherson ePherson aie preparing to develop dev elope esome they the have adjoining the I 1 arly rose and alabama which are the pr perty of jesse knight and associates james knowles ovles master mechanic at the cenceni lal ial cureka mine and croie chesbro who own the butter fly no I 1 and thell the ilter itter fly no 3 2 claims out in north tintic gintic close to the gol I 1 blossom went out last sunday to look at the ground and make adlona for the completion of the annual assessment work C N hurst who accompanied them upon the trip will do this work vork mining news cent continued inked on pago page 3 OA j |