Show claws MINING PARTNER TO ATOMS BI awful deed of maniac at nevada min ing camp hurled dynamite upon IT partner while white he was in shaft rawhide nev while feverishly ai at work in the tire face of a three toot foot vein ot of ore at the bottom of the grutt hill coalition lease at rawhide john ross formerly ot of los angeles wa blown to atoms by the explosion ot of a stick ot of dynamite hurled down upon him by his partner william risdon risdon had lost his mind and in hi hl delirium believed he owned the mine and was intent upon securing it him self with the craftiness ot of a maniac he awaited the time until ross de acen ecender ded into the shaft when he be at a cap and fuse to the elpio sive lighted the deadly missile and hurled it upon his unsuspecting vie vic tim risdon fled from the scene and I 1 a now in the mountains |