Show USE ANIMALS TO TEST DRUGS how chemists ascertain the purity of ingred ants A lot of sorry looking chickens dogs and cats loafed in the black ill smell ing yard of the great chemical plant we use these animals to test our drugs on said the demist they come in very handy they more than earn their board Ergot tr gotine lne Is a drug we test on chick ens it Is a simple test it if a dose of ergot er gotine lne fails to turn a chicken a comb black we know that the drug is tor for some reason or another worthless flashe Has heesh esh we test on dogs ha ila Is made ot of female hemp buds male hemp buds have no medicinal value yet some dishonest dealers put male buds on the market and since they resemble female buds precisely it la le impossible to detect them save by actual test dogs given has heesh get drunk and happy it if the stuff is good digitalis the heart stimulant is tested on frogs we inject a drop 0 of f it into ja a frog frogs s stomach and in the kymograph or heart recording ma chine we study the changes that take place in the frogs heart action thus we get a very accurate knowledge of wl wat at our digitalis can do do we ever test drugs on ourselves 9 oh yes indeed often chemists have lost their lives chemists have gone in curably in insane inane ane through t too oo 00 rash bravery in testing drugs on their own persons los angeles times |