Show MINES AND MINING according to a dispatch from mul mill lan ian idaho a strike of considerable im is reported to have been made in the carney copper group directors of the utah mine of fish springs last week declared the regu lar dividend of three cents a share or the famed coeur d dalene alene district of idaho has produced gold silver lead and copper mineral to the grosa gross value of approximately to date since 1884 from a perfectly reliable source it i learned that an ore body has been uncovered in the bradburn property at marysvale Marys vale tor for a distance or over feet and the values run from 20 to 1000 per ton A report has reached sumpter ore that a most wonderful rich strike has just been made in the red boy mine the strike was made on the level and Is said to be the richest vein of ore ever uncovered in the district the old colconda golconda Col conda mine near baker city ore has jus been sold at sher iff s sale for claims amounting to 20 which claims were held by hard ware firms and supply houses the property was at one time a great producer montana men have secured a work ing bond on the hay fork quartz claims owned by leo and antone un tern ahrer says the idaho city world A payment of 1 1000 has been made ma d e the bond was given for two years and a half from m beaver deaver county comes the news that the stalwart lease on the talisman TaH property Is working in from eight to fourteen inches of ore that runs 1 1000 ounces in silver with high lead values the T he find Is on the toot foot level not in twenty years has the ml mining ning outlook in the vicinity of hailey halley idaho been so bright all the mines minea are working as large forces as poss I 1 ble and the ore bodies seem to im prove in richness with every foot ol 01 development A new cor compressor will be installed soon at the utah bingham mine in bingham ore shipments are also to be inaugurated and it Is said applina tion will shortly be made to list the stock on the salt lake stock and min ing exchange fifty thousand dollars Is the value of the first five days production on the mohall jumbo lease on the gold wedge at colefield fold Cold field sloping was started on monday and every avail able man mali was used for whom a place could be found in the mine A prominent and conservative min ing man declares that there Is now beginning at hailey halley idaho the big gest mining boom that the vest N est has ever seen that it will be on merit strictly wilde att bg barred and that it will last two or three years president george M nix of the dolly varden mining company oper abing in the dolly varden district an bounces that he N has financed a deal in chicago by which the company receives a large amount of money for carrying on its development work constant rapid improvement of a proposition which was most promis ing in at the start Is the word wora brought from the alta company s mine out from mackay idaho the tunnel has been driven iga feet on ore giving assa values of 20 in gold 1755 5 ounces in silver and 2 per cent copper A mill run of fifteen tons of ore from the gold mining corn com pany 9 lease on the estate of the seven troughs etherlen mines corn com pany made the other day in two eight hour shifts at the kindergarten mill turned out a bar of bullion eughing eig hing ounces and valued at 2500 representatives of a majority ol 01 the stockholders in the hogan mino mine at a meeting recently held at elk city idaho voted to double the capacity of the present plant which Is now handling tons of ore pe day at a net profit of the stock holders also voted 50 for improvements the potosi mill at silver city idaho is nearing completion but la is now awaiting the arrival of the bal ance of the machinery in the mean time the cement floor Is being laid about the battery track from mine to ore bin Is also being laid and it will now be only a short time until the mill Is completed more than 50 names including those of the most prominent mining men of utah and all of them thor hughly representative have been signed to the roster of membership in the new utah branch of the ameri amerl can mining congress and a meeting for permanent organization Is to be held during the week by unanimous vote the salt lake stock and mining exchange has approved the action of its governing board in accepting the proposition of samuel newhouse to give to the ex change a magnificent site sit for a stock exchange building providing only that the recipient of the gift will erect thereon a suitable building robert francis superintendent of the lost packer m ne in the loon creek idaho district says that the mine will make a handsome prodie lon tion this season ahe smelter Is treat ing an average of tons of ore a day and the values are highly batis factory whether the utah consolidated will start work in the near future upon its proposed pio posed new smelt ing plant in tooele thoele county depends upon the outcome of 0 negotiations now u under n d er consideration for a five years contract for the treatment of its ora ors or s at the ar fleM smelter |