Show NEWS governor john A johnson nas lias been nominated tor for governor of minnesota by the democrats colonel william walker waller editorial V riter tor for the new orleans picayune for the past thirty years Is dead at the age of 65 bandits at attacked tacket and pillaged the kazansky monastery near tambo russia and secured gold and jewels valued at 40 charles A dark clark of alsen S D Is dead the result of a bullet wound in the abdomen inflicted by his divorced wife mrs dark clark was arrested john gluek a wealthy minneapolis brewer and his wife were killed at Cotta gewood minn when their automobile was struck by a train fierce forest fires causing damage to timber likely to total millions ol 01 dollars are reported from several sec see eions of vancouver island B C william seibert one of the local organizers ot of the republican party and delegate to the first national con bention died at pittsburg last week aged 88 years A decrease ot of 10 in revenue over operating expenses and taxes Is shown by the annual statements or 01 the union pacific and southern pa cefic companies it was announced at republican headquarters in chicago last week that speaker joseph G cannon will make a speaking tour of the country beginning in september nineteen sentences of death were signed in various parts of the rus stan empire one day last week ten condemned at glodz are peasants con berned in revolutionary activities governor folk polk of missouri has granted a stay of execution of thirty days to albert filley under sentence of death for killing his wife Ms his 7 cearold year old daughter and his brother clay filley george D horras former cashier of the tailed failed hot springs S D national bank has been sentenced to five years in the federal penitentiary at fort leavenworth kan he ile pleaded gull ty to embezzling 5 by the premature explosion of awen ty pounds of dynamite in an oil well near santa rosa N M william lane V nas as instantly killed and michael doyle william and thos connolly severely injured the who are holding their fourth international congress in dresden have decided to publish books in esperanto tor for the blind and to prepare a proper exhibition to give information relative to esperanto judge alton B parker candidate for the presidency on the democratic ticket four years ago opened the democratic campaign in oregon at portland on august 18 at a large and enthusiastic meeting in that city dr joseph a prominent physician ot of cincinnati was drowned in big tupper lake N Y while on a fishing trip in trying to land a large pickerel his boat was capsized and he was thrown into the water passengers from guatemala city ar rived at mobile ala on the steamer harold say that the uprisings in hon duras were a part of the project of president cabrera of guatemala to make general morales president ot of honduras isaac upham a well known retired wholesale merchant ot of san francisco while riding a bicycle at san jose was struck by an automobile driven by S ta B hunkins president ot of the german city bank and received in juries from which he died within a an hour mrs jennie roberts 45 years old la Is dead as the result of a murderous at tack made on her while she lay asleep in her bed at her home in cincinnati her face was smashed almost to a pulp david M roberts her husband is being held by the police on sus dicion walter alien allen a colored man and several companions jeered at a chi cago policeman who had ordered them to move on late at night an en counter between alien allen and the officer followed with the result that alien allen was shot and seriously wounded in the back according to advices received in london from geneva the leaders of the young turk party are to meet in that city at the end of this month to discuss the question of deposing the sultan of turkey and in the case of an affirmative decision to select a successor japan has formally signified its readiness to negotiate a sealing con bention with russia similar to the russo american and the Russo Brit ish convention through the acquin mitlon of the south half of the island of alln japan becomes owner ol 01 seal island the chinese commissioners having the matter in charge have selected the parade grounds one mile outside of amoy china as the best place for the entertainment of the officers and men of the american battleship fleet when the vessels reach there the lat ter part of october A tiger and a bull were placed in a stout cage on a private estate near marseilles france and goaded to combat by the spectators the bull wounded the tiger in the first en combat by the spectators the bull made a des descent clit upon the crowd and broke up the spectacle brigadier general alien allen chief sig nal officer of the army has received information that the washington alaskan military and telegraph tern tem had been extended to cordova alaska by the construction of a branch from the ex exi ing cable on Von montague tague island to cordova |