Show s 00 W 00 Z 00 w V phone 37 P 0 box fix fix salt lake huddart floral co fix l IRI x 1 WALTER W KING manager r ALL KINDS OF or POTTED PLANTS fil x fix 91 decorations and funeral designs 6 a specialty 7 y X qa X 0 0 cot cut palms and cot cut flowers 0 is ill m m EAST SECOND SOUTH STREET f P 01 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH I 1 I 1 I 1 it t 44 today is a good time to subscribe for this paper i he got his change one of the many surprises rises tor for east ern visitors at the democratic conven tion in denver was the general ue of iron dollars that Is fiher to the exclusion of paper money it Is related that a well heeled tammany man passed a 1000 1 bill over the bar of a leading hotel and waited tor for his change tom said the bartender t turning u r n i n g t to 0 t the h e e colored d p porter 0 arter take la 70 c cents e u t s 0 out u t 0 ot f t that h t and d h hand a n d the gentle man his change the negro never turned a hair he ile took the bill walked around to the stockroom and in 40 seconds came trundling in a elbar row load touched his hat and said yo change sah there was the change silver dollars and a 20 cent piece fhe new law offices ot of state representative senta centa tentative tive harry J robinson are in rooms mercantile diode block salt I 1 ake city utah to whom all who are in need ot of legal advice are referred PRINTED BLANK FORMS tor for banks and all business men write to PEMBROKE stationery CO salt lake city ALL HALLOWS C L L E G E r SALT LAKE CITY boarding and day school for boys classes beg n wednesday september 9 class cla cal sc and commercial courses special department for lit tie boy boys under the care of a trained teacher for terms and information apply to very rev J J guinan S ma M president you have our reliability as a guan antee of good quality when you buy bu of us we do not offer any goods fot fol sale that cannot be unreservedly guaranteed as to quality MAIN ST SALT LAKE CITY UTAH FALL OPENING NOTO utah business college tuesday sept 1 1908 send for full information to E C DAVIS prin SALT LAKE D I 1 ad it Z t SALT LAKE CITY UTAH S W temple street best school in the west positions secured for all graduates fall term opens september I 1 write for full information i C HENAGER president |