Show local happenings mrs F E higson Is spending the week in the capital ralph kellogg returned on monday evening after a business trip to provo gus returned on tuesday after a visit with his family at the capital mr and mrs dan martin returned on sunday evening after a visit with mr and mrs 8 haynes at payson dave mills and bert hanks ft ere among the hunters alio visited west gintic tintic last sunday and monday judge stillman expects to leave next week for a months visit to hia former home in tro N miss ruby deming returned to the capital on sunday after a visit with the family of her brother charles deming mrs 0 A franke entertained her sisters mrs john hughes and mrs eugene burley of salt lake during the week mr and mrs ernest coombs of payson were the guests of mr and mrs M R E sullivan the early part of the v eek five 5 ear old waldo germ am while playing with some of his playmates bat morning at robinson frac aured his arm the injured member waa set by dr steele bailee jr mrs hunt who is one of the own ers of the moving picture show at the fibs pavilion received a telegram monday announcing the death of her mother at the family home in texas del roberts left on tuesday for washington where mrs roberta and the children have been visiting for the past month the family will return to this uty next week dr I 1 F gose and F E higson made a trip out to vernon creek last saturday for the purpose of hunting chickens they had fair success but report the birds quite wild in that lo 10 bality because of the great amount of shooting tl is season mrs D and daughters misses genevieve and marcella wil return next week from california where they have been the past three months they spent the time at los angeles pasadena and the sea side cities in the southern part of the state J kirkham of the lehi banner force and his son prof kirkham of the Y university at provo were here on saturday they visited some of the mines in which prof kirkham is interested and went away feeling that the gintic tintic district is one of the most wonderful mineral sections in the west I 1 rl 4 I 1 william dunn spent sunday with hia family at of dais meat mar ket has been ill for several das mibs BI ackett of iseppi was here this week for a visit with her brothers ke allison v ill conduct the usual services at the 1 E church next sun day henry wall dan fields and frank cook spent sunday shooting chickens in west tintie fied blontz returned last friday evening after a business trip to the capital aa mary as the guest of mrs A thurman at provo this week will bacon wl has been in nevada and california for the past two months is home on a visit peter kenduck deputy U S mineral surveyor went to the capital on business last monday mrs henry matsch and her mother mrs went to the capital for a visit last saturday afternoon mrs dan martin vent to the capi tal on monday for a isit with her daughter mrs jere dascoll mr and mrs enter ain ed the former s parents mr and mrs huigh the early part of the weel mrs hicks re turied from salt lake last week she went there to receive treatment for e e trouble and is now entirely n ell the masonic grand lodge officers will visit the local lodge on septem ber ath making the trip out from the capital in automobiles john and ida adama of eureka and misses allie barnsworth worth and maggie tennant of manti spent last week in the canyon nephi record tom irons who is upon a visit to his former home in england is edby having a splendid if we are to judge from the letters and portals which he is sending to his friends here giggs and w ife are expected to return about september 1st from their trip to the pacific coast they went to los angeles then to san francisco portland seattle and up aa far as alaska M R E sullivan jerry connelly and con hanson returned on monday evening after a few days outing at castilla they are all suffer ing from lead poisoning and went there to take the baths park city is to have a govern ment building we believe that it is time that utah s representatives at washington made an attempt to se cure an appropriation of this kind for eureka which is undoubtedly of some little importance even though the camp is not aa large aa provo or logan II 11 F and family returned last friday evening after a month s outing in ouster county idaho ahey have relatives living report a very enjoy able time mr smashed the orld record as fisher man and brought back about fifty pounds of trout which were ed among his friends at the meeting of the knights of pythias held last tuesday the follow ing gentlemen were given the rank of knight james larson george nel son and george sutherland mr king of the insurance department of the order was present at the meeting and addressed the members leigh stewart is in parson I 1 on busi ness today misa mable hepfer is visiting rela tives in kansas bullock was here during the week from provo mrs george ha ea left on tuesday for a visit with frenis mrs ictor bray and children left today for a isit at spanish fork mrs arthur returned to her home in payson today after a with the family of E W ansby manager mccune of the beck mer cantile co returned last e ening after a business trip to the capital mrs joseph schlecht returned on monday evening after a few days stay at the hot pota resort near heber city mrs was called out from salt lake the other day on aceti nt of the illness of her son frank friday september ath is the day of sale for stock in the black jack which is delinquent on account of the recent assessment of 3 cents stella and conme mitchell beturne 1 to their home at salt lake on sun day morning after a visit with aler cousins wilhe and matie mitchel mrs james norman has returned after a few months isit with her hw band a relatives in chicago en route home she visited friends at butte montana captain hugo Dep rezin and wife and mrs james P dascoll returned from salt lake on wednesday even ing captain Depie zin who was taken to the holy cross hospital a couple of weeks ago has almost entirely ie covered from his illness mrs H J cramer of tintie june tion mrs john silver city and her guest mrs of baltake Sal take mrs J 0 kirkendall mrs george A robertson and mrs illiam nes bit of robinson mrs charles kryger mrs elsie A stott and miss clara stott all members of the order of the eastern star were pleasantly entertained at the home of mrs N 0 stott in this city on monday after noon on wednesday the same party of ladies visited with mrs cramer at gintic tintic junction and yesterday the were the guests of mrs kirkendall hir kendall at bodinson Bo binson tomorrow the ladies will be entertained by mrs bromn and among other things they will enjoy a ride over the high line to the colo rado mine tf byron thurman la visiting her relatives at Santa qun A baby boy v as born to mr and mrs leon on tuesday antz N carpenter spent sunday with tom and alex burt at fork mrs lou peterson Peter sou left on wednes day for a visit u h relatives in santa quin mrs W newell of provo has apen the guest 0 mr and mrs pred richan deung the v eek dennia harington of the admiral farragut property made a business t ip to the capital yesterday afternoon mis M L gainty and children left yesterday for a few days visit with friends at the capital mr and mrs cornish were over from robinson on wean esdah for a visit with mr and mrs george hanson F J dry gooce clerk and window trimmer at the gintic tintic mer cantile store will move his family to this city II 11 J shultz who has been with heffernan thompson 8 store for about nine months left on sunday for the capital hav ing resigned his tion here the mi ses anna and eliza bonne nellie Sni livan josie kelly margaret mcdonough mammie sullivan mr 0 J din fields john donnelly john sullivan and niel bomer left yesterday morning for the north gintic tintic mountains where they will spend a couple of days gathering pine nuts which are quite plentiful thi season gus J henrod and family have re turned after a ten da sojourn in neph where they spent the day fishing and enjoying themselves generally mr henrod went as far south as leavington leamington Lea and sas that it is a great sight to see the big harves which are now in op ration upon the dry farms of juab county dr farming is becoming most profitable when carried on upon a large scale |