Show MOST DARING ill IN HIM OF WEST lone band t holds up eleven D f ferent stage coaches in one day in the yellowstone park butte dutte mont according to the news received from the yellowstone park a lone highwayman committed the most daring robbery in the history of the west on monday when he be held up eleven different stages the pas were absolutely helpless as they are not permitted to carry fire arms within the park in all it Is estimated from the statements of passengers that something like 2 in 1 cash was obtained drafts worth and other papers and transportation besides a rich haul in watches and jewelry in all twenty one coaches left the upper geyser basin monday morning the highwayman was encountered about five miles further on at a lonely point along the banks of spring creek a tributary of the fire hole river the creek Is lined with bushes the first lot of coaches numbering seven and following each other closely passed by the place unharmed there was a gap between them and the next lot of eight following As the first of the eight came along the highwayman stepped from the bushes and ordered the driver to halt he ile did not molest the driver nor any of the drivers fol lowing the highwayman ordered one of the passengers to hold the sack for him and he then proceeded to collect the money and jewelry of the helpless passengers one man who attempted to run was hit over the head with the bandits bandit a rifle when the last of the eight coaches was reached the high wayman remarked that he had a good mind to shoot him and did fire a shot over his head then he was ordered back to his rig and the driver or dered to move on the eight coaches had scarcely gone when three more came along and these were treated in a like manner the last coach contained five young ladies he did not get much from them but did appropriate some candy that he found in one of the ladles ladies ba bags in all about a hundred and twenty if five ve people were held up though not au of these suffered loss when he or dered the drivers to move on he stood a few minutes with his gun pointed toward them and then walked down the road As quickly as ble after a telephone was reached at thumb station word was sent to tho the soldiers and a detail started after him the man Is described as about five feet eight inches bluish grey grev eyes bristly grey whiskers and acted either aa as a man who was short of breath or a consumptive he understood ger man as he answered questions asked mm rim in that language he had on bluish brown overalls brown shirt soft felt hat and carried an automatic rifle and used smokeless powder |