Show FRIDAYAORNING i int too News 0 la 0(I) 1: p I i 4 - - 4 -- a 40 ' 00 Business -- Utah Morn jhtsAonting(CC) AM Weather JMr Rogers 900' 9101 p Today (c9 Good Morning America (CC) Jilows strangers Sesame Street (CC) Sit & Be Fit Off the Air ConcentrarniCaosars Regis & Kathie Lee The Price Is Right Ghostwriter Reading Instructional Devotional Aerobics Bullwinkle Flintstones 14 Ins Gadget XUXA Sesame Street (CC) NinIa Turtles Morphin DuckTales Hedgehog 30 TBA Paid Prog Children Stretch DIS Movie (5:05) Danger Bay Mousercise Music Box ENC Movie: Breakout (PG '75) Charles Bronson Action in - - 41' 8-3- o Sesame Street (CC) Conan Dennis Pink Panther J Bond Jr Club Fashions Gummi Bear Wonderland John Leaza Jenny Jones The Young & the Restless & Instructional Movie: First Family (R '80) AMC Movie (5:15) Movie: Gorilla at Large ('54) CNN D!iybreak (CC) Morning News Bob Newhart Comedy Movie: Dodsworth ('36) lin the '90s 1Reading Tod Special Barney Rogers Stunt Dawgs Love Lucy Gerald° Capt Planet Yogi Friend Movie: Honeysuckle Rose Beauty & Fitness Dumbo Fraggie R'k Pooh Comer Umbrella 1Police Story Walter Huston Drama CNN & LIFE MTV INN NICK PSN IBS TNT USA VISN WGN a View ('86) Cleopatra The Outlaw Josey Wales (PG '76) Val Kilmer Comedy Top Secret! (PG '84) Co NewsHour Assignment Discovery Motion 1Shaping The Waltons Born Lucky Gourmet Sports M Hickey pm Monday 7 pm (4) San Francisco 49ers at Cleveland Browns Running back Ricky Wafters leads the 49ers into Cleveland Stadium to take on quarterback Bernie Kosar and the Browns Monday night re- cords: San Francisco Cleveland 12-- 20-1- 3 (live) Golf Thursday 10 am (PSN) Canon European Masters Highlights (R) 12 pm (ESPN) 1992 Chrysler Long Drive Competition From Boca Raton Fla (R) Friday 2 pm (ESPN) Hardee's Classic Second Round From Coal Valley (Live) am (PSN) GA European Open Third Round From East Sussex England (R) 2 pm (ESPN) Canadian Open Final Round From Oakville Ontario (Live) 4 pm (PSN) GA European Open Final Round From East Sussex England (Taped) 1 am (PSN) GA European Open Final Round From East Sussex England (R) Monday 3 pm (PSN) GA European Round From East Open Sussex England (R) Final 7:30 ILM (PSN) Canon European Masters Highlights (R) 11 am (ESPN) Canadian Open Final Round From Oakville Ontario (R) 1 pm (PSN) Canon European Masters Highlights (R) 3 pm (ESPN) Hardee's Classic Third Round From Coal Valley (Live) L Sunday 8 am (PSN) New York Rangers vs Toronto Maple Leafs From London (Live) 11 Racing Sunday 6:50 am (ESPN) Formula One Grand Prix of Italy From Monza Italy (Live) 11 am (ESPN) Indy Car Pioneer Electronics 200 From Lexington Ohio (Live) 12 pm (TNN) ASA Madison 200 From Madison Wis (Live) 1 am (ESPN) Indy Car Pioneer Electronics 200 From Lexington Ohio (R) Monday am (ESPN) Firestone Indy Lights Championship From Vancouver (R) Tuesday 1:30 am (ESPN) Formula One 1:30 am (PSN) 9th Annual LICT Grand Prix of Italy From Monza Junior Tournament Highlights (R) Italy (R) 1993 Page 23 TV Week Septemb er 12-1- 8 Wednesday 6 pm (PSN) NASCAR Miller Genuine Draft 400 From Richmond Va (Taped) 2 am (ESPN) SCCA Series From Toronto (R) 5:30 am9 (PSN) NASCAR Miller Genuine Draft 400 From Richmond Va (R) 12 pm (TNN) Splitfire Spark Plug 200 From Dover Del (Live) DRAG RACING Sunday PRO 2:30 CISL SOCCER Wednesday Saturday Saturday Sunday Tuesday —wow IIMIll (TNT) Los Angeles Raiders at Seattle Seahawks (Live) 11 Sonya Live (CC) On Top Great Chefs Boat Racing Volleyball The 700 Club Shaping SporiCenter SporiCenter Fitness Pros Getting Fit J Robison Flintstone The Utiles Babar Rupert Mac Davis Drama Workout Gourmet Sup Sweep ShopDrop BabyChild Baby Knows Movie: What Price Victory c88) MTV Blocks MTV Jams Music Videos Rude Awakening (5:30) Music Videos — Off the Air Cookin' USA Crook and Chase Kitchen ViclooMorning: Al Wyntor and Katie Haas Little Rabbit Muppets Lint' She The Gnome Cappelli Making MusicEric Nagler Eureeka's Castle Elephant ATP Tour CISL Soccer: Monterre La Raza at Dallas Sidekicks (R)IPrime Body B'ball Action Motor Sport Ed Randall Wk in SWC High Five High Five Little House on the Prairie Movie: Return to Mayberry ('86) Movie: Deadly Game Gilligan Isle Bewitched Andy Griffith Perry Mason Adv Quest Grant Williams Crime drama Movie: The Couch (62) CHiPs Charlie's Angels Bogs Bunny Colossal Cartoon Club Cartoon Express (5:00) Cartoon Express American Gladiators Murder She Wrote (CC) Talkabout Quantum Leap (CC) Century How Can I Live? On the Line Prism IDiscovery Journal Worship Worship Worship Cope Flintstones Bozo News (CC) Gerald° Jane Whitney Yogi Friend Joan Rivers BodyJake or 6 Devotional Forum Bodice Berry Willie Nelson PG '80) Collectible Week Mouse Track Jump Rattle 1Movie: Robbery ('67) Stanley Baker Movie Cadence (945) (PG-1- 3 '90) Rockford Files of (CC) City Angels Movie: The Glass Key Movie: Gateway (9:45) DISC Off the Air ESPN SporiCenter ISportCenter FAM Paid Programming (4:00) 30 Maury Povich (CC) All My Children (CC) As the World Turns (CC) TV 'Mr Daywatch 00 i 1 TV Movie: A Room With Movie: Sssssss (7:45) (PG '73) HBO Movie: Dying Young (8:10) (R '91) Movie: Julia Roberts (CC)Mr Bean Pinocchio EarthKids iTinlin MAX Movie: Swordsman (5:00) Movie: Movie: All I Want for Christmas (G) Richard Hams Movie: Orca (PG '77) SHOW Movie: They Died With Their Boots On ('41) TIC Carter Errol Flynn Western Movie: He's My Girl (PG-1- 3 '87) TMC Motile: The Hustler (5:45) Movie: Melina Mercoun Paul Newman 'Movie: Promise at Dawn (PG '70) (61) ARTS In Search Of ' 10 10830 II 1:30 pm (ESPN) IHRA SportsNationman Series: als From Scribner Neb (Taped) Monday 2 am (ESPN) IHRA Sportsman Nationals Series: From Scnbner Neb (R) Tuesday (PSN) NHRA Champion Auto Stores Nationals From Brainerd Minn (R) 1 ELM Soccer feated Pete Sampras Sunday 6--2 7 pm (PSN) Monterrey La Raza at Dallas Sidekicks (Taped) Tuesday 8 pm (PSN) Monterrey La Raza at Dallas Sidekicks (R) Friday 6:30 am (PSN) Monterrey La Raza at Dallas Sidekicks (R) MEW 7:30 pm Blackburn (PSN) Newcastle vs (Taped) Tuesday 3 pm (PSN) Newcastle vs Blackburn (R) Wednesday 12:30 pm (PSN) Newcastle vc Blackburn (R) Thursday 5 pm (PSN) Chelsea vs chester United (raped) Man- 6--4 6 Friday 9 pm (PSN) Forum Challenge: Andre Agassi vs Pete Sampras From Inglewood Calif (Live) Saturday 2 pm (PSN) Champions TOM Big Bear Semifinals From Columbus Ohio NIME Tennis Volleyball Sunday Monday 5:30 am (PSN) The Champion Tour Italy vs USA From Longwood Mass (R) PRO BEACH Friday 11:30 am (ESPN) Budweiser Four-Ma- n Tour From Clearwater 10:30 am (USA) US Open Women's Doubles Final From the USTA National Tennis Center in New York (Live) 2 pm (5) US Open Men's SinI gles Final From the US-- A National Tennis Center in New York In last year's final Stefan Edberg de Fla (R) I To v ENGLISH Monday 6 (Live) Sunday intEININMO Late Night 11:35 (4) Paid Programming 11:45 (5) Designing Women in stereo (CC) 1200 (7) Legacy in stereo (CC) I (13) A Current Affair Extra (14) Paid Programming (30) MOVIE: The Stranger" (ARTS) Agatha Christie Mys- teries (CHN) CNN News (DISC) The Execution Protocol (ESPN) Sports Center (R) (FAM) Ben Haden (MTV) (TNN) (R) Dreamtime Championship Rodeo J |